
class simcado.detector.Chip(x_cen, y_cen, x_len, y_len, pix_res, pixsize=15, angle=0, gain=1, obs_coords=[0, 0], fieldangle=0, chipid=None, flat_field=None)[source]

Bases: object

Holds the “image” as seen by a single chip in the focal plane

The Chip object contains information on where it is located in the focal plane array. The method <Source>.apply_optical_train() passes an image of the on-sky object to each Chip. This image is resampled to the Chip pixel scale. Each Chip holds the “ideal” image as an array of expectation values for number of photons arriving per second. The Chip then adds detector noise and other characteristics to the image when <Detector>.readout() is called.

x_cen, y_cenfloat

[micron] the coordinates of the centre of the chip relative to the centre of the focal plane

x_len, y_lenint

the number of pixels per dimension


[arcsec] the field of view per pixel


an identification number for the chip (assuming they are not correctly ordered)


a 2D array holding the flat fielding effects for the chip

x_cen, y_cenfloat

[arcsec] the coordinates of the centre of the chip relative to the centre of the focal plane

naxis1, naxis2int

the number of pixels per dimension


[arcsec] the field of view per pixel

chipidint, optional

the id of the chip relative to the others on the detector array. Default is None

dx, dyfloat

[arcsec] half of the field of view of each chip

x_min, x_max, y_min, y_maxfloat

[arcsec] the borders of the chip relative to the centre of the focal plane


an array for holding the signal registered by the Chip



adds signal to .array. The signal should be the same dimensions as Chip.array

add_uniform_background(emission, lam_min, lam_max, output=False)

adds a constant to the signal in .array. The background level is found by integrating the emission curve between lam_min and lam_max. If output is set to True, an image with the same dimensions as .array scaled to the background flux is returned.

apply_pixel_map(pixel_map_path=None, dead_pix=None, max_well_depth=1E5)

applies a mask to .array representing the position of the current “hot” and “dead” pixels / lines


resets the signal on the Chip to zero. In future releases, an implementation of the persistence characteristics of the detector will go here.

Methods Summary

add_signal(self, signal)

Add a 2D array of photon signal to the Chip

add_uniform_background(self, emission, …)

Add a uniform background

apply_pixel_map(self[, pixel_map_path, …])

Adds “hot” and “dead” pixels to the array

read_out(self, cmds[, read_out_type])

Read out the detector array


Methods Documentation

add_signal(self, signal)[source]

Add a 2D array of photon signal to the Chip

Add some signal photons to the detector array. Input units are expected to be [ph/s/pixel]


[ph/pixel/s] photon signal. signal should have the same dimensions as the array

add_uniform_background(self, emission, lam_min, lam_max, output=False)[source]

Add a uniform background

Take an EmissionCurve and some wavelength boundaries, lam_min and lam_max, and sum up the photons in between. Add those to the source array.

- emission_curve: EmissionCurve object with background emission photons
- lam_min, lam_max: the wavelength limits
Optional keywords:
- output: [False, True] if output is True, the BG emission array is


Output is in [ph/s/pixel].
apply_pixel_map(self, pixel_map_path=None, dead_pix=None, max_well_depth=100000.0)[source]

Adds “hot” and “dead” pixels to the array

applies a mask to .array representing the positions of the current “hot” and “dead” pixels / lines. The method either reads in a FITS file with locations of these pixels, or generates a series of random coordinates and random weights for the pixels.


path to the FITS file. Default is None


[%] the percentage of dead or hot pixels on the chip - only used if pixel_map_path = None. Default is None.

read_out(self, cmds, read_out_type='superfast')[source]

Read out the detector array


Commands for how to read out the chip


image of the chip read out
