Source code for simcado.detector

A description of the Chip noise properties and their positions on the Detector

Module Summary
This module holds three classes: ``Detector``, ``Chip`` and ``HXRGNoise``.

Everything to do with photons and electrons happens in the ``Chip`` class. Each
``Chip`` is initialised with a position relative to the centre of the detector
array, a size [in pixels] and a resolution [in arcsec]. Photons fall onto the
``Chip`` s and are read out together with the read noise characteristics of the

The ``Detector`` holds the information on where the ``Chip`` s are placed on the
focal plane. Focal plane coordinates are in [arcsec]. These coordinates are
either read in from a default file or determined by the user. The ``Detector``
object is an intermediary - it only passes information on the photons to the
``Chip`` s. It is mainly a convenience class so that the user can read out all
``Chip`` s at the same time.

    builds an array of ``Chip`` objects based on a ``UserCommands`` object
    converts incoming photons into ADUs and adds in read-out noise

See Also


[1] Bernhard Rauscher's HxRG Noise Generator script

The :class:`.Detector` can be used in stand-alone mode. In this case it outputs
only the noise that a sealed-off detector would generate:

    >>> import simcado
    >>> fpa = simcado.Detector(simcado.UserCommands())
    >>> fpa.read_out(output=True, chips=[0])

The :class:`.Detector` is more useful if we combine it with a :class:`.Source`
object and an :class:`.OpticalTrain`. Here we create a :class:`.Source` object
for an open cluster in the LMC and pass the photons arriving from it through the
E-ELT and MICADO. The photons are then cast onto the detector array. Each
:class:`.Chip` converts the photons to ADUs and adds the resulting image to an
Astropy ``HDUList``. The ``HDUList`` is then written to disk.

    >>> # Create a set of commands, optical train and detector
    >>> import simcado
    >>> cmds = simcado.UserCommands()
    >>> opt_train = simcado.OpticalTrain(cmds)
    >>> fpa = simcado.Detector(cmds)
    >>> # Pass photons from a 10^4 Msun open cluster in the LMC through to the detector
    >>> src = sim.source.source_1E4_Msun_cluster()
    >>> src.apply_optical_train(opt_train, fpa)
    >>># Read out the detector array to a FITS file
    >>> fpa.read_out(filename="my_raw_image.fits")


#       TODO
# - update open, write - remove references to self.params

import os
import sys
from datetime import datetime

import warnings
#import logging  # unused
from copy import deepcopy

import multiprocessing as mp

import numpy as np
import as ma
import scipy.ndimage.interpolation as spi
#from scipy.ndimage.interpolation import zoom

from import fits
from import ascii as ioascii  # ascii redefines builtin
from astropy.wcs import WCS

#from astropy.stats.funcs import median_absolute_deviation as mad

from .utils import find_file, airmass2zendist

from . import spectral as sc
from . import commands
from .nghxrg import HXRGNoise

__all__ = ["Detector", "Chip", "open", "plot_detector", "plot_detector_layout",
           "make_noise_cube", "install_noise_cube"]

#                              Detector Objects                                #

[docs]class Detector(object): """ Generate a series of :class:`.Chip` objects for a focal plane array Extended Summary ---------------- The :class:`.Detector` is a holder for the series of :class:`.Chip` objects which make up the detector array. The main advantage of the :class:`.Detector` object is that the user can read out all chips in the whole detector array at once. A :class:`.Detector` is a parameter in the :meth:`.Source.apply_optical_train()` method. Parameters ---------- cmds : UserCommands Commands for how to model the Detector small_fov : bool, optional Default is True. Uses a single 1024x1024 window at the centre of the FoV Attributes ---------- cmds : UserCommands commands for modelling the detector layout and exposures layout : astropy.table.Table table of positions and sizes of the chips on the focal plane chips : list a list of the ``Chips`` which make up the detector array oversample : int factor between the internal angular resolution and the pixel FOV fpa_res : float [mas] field of view of a single pixel dit : float [s] exposure time of a single DIT tro : float [s] time between consecutive non-destructive readouts in up-the-ramp mode ndit : int number of exposures (DITs) Methods ------- read_out() for reading out the detector array into a FITS file open() not yet implemented write() not yet implemented Save the Detector object into a FITS file .. todo:: Open should be moved into a general function for which returns a :class:`.Detector` object after reading in a saved detector file See Also -------- :class:`.Chip`, :class:`.Source`, :class:`.OpticalTrain`, :class:`.UserCommands` Examples -------- Create a :class:`Detector` object :: >>> import simcado as sim >>> my_cmds = sim.UserCommands() >>> my_detector = sim.Detector(my_cmds) Read out only the first :class:`.Chip` :: >>> my_detector.readout(filename=image.fits, chips=[0]) """ def __init__(self, cmds, small_fov=True): # 1. Read in the chip layout # 2. Read in the flat field file # 3. Generate chip objects # 4. Check if a noise file has been given # if not, generate new noise files # else: read in the noise file # if the noise file has many extensions, choose several random # extensions self.cmds = cmds if small_fov: print("Safety switch is on - Detector(..., small_fov='True')") self.layout = """# id x_cen y_cen x_len y_len pixsize angle gain # mm mm pixel pixel mm deg e-/ADU 0 0 0 1024 1024 0.015 0. 1.""") else: try: self.layout =["FPA_CHIP_LAYOUT"]) except: raise FileNotFoundError(self.cmds["FPA_CHIP_LAYOUT"] + " (FPA_CHIP_LAYOUT) cannot be read") if self.cmds["INST_FLAT_FIELD"] is not None and \ os.path.exists(self.cmds["INST_FLAT_FIELD"]): hdu_flat_field =["INST_FLAT_FIELD"]) n_exts = len( if n_exts == len(self.layout["id"]): j = 0 elif n_exts > len(self.layout["id"]): j = 1 elif n_exts == 1: hdu_flat_field = [hdu_flat_field[0]] * len(self.layout["id"]) else: raise ValueError("What's going on with INST_FLAT_FIELD?") else: j = 0 hdu_flat_field = [None] * len(self.layout["id"]) self.chips = [Chip(self.layout["x_cen"][i], self.layout["y_cen"][i], self.layout["x_len"][i], self.layout["y_len"][i], self.cmds["SIM_DETECTOR_PIX_SCALE"], self.layout["pixsize"][i], self.layout["angle"][i], self.layout["gain"][i], (self.cmds["OBS_RA"], self.cmds["OBS_DEC"]), 0., self.layout["id"][i], hdu_flat_field[i+j]) for i in range(len(self.layout["x_cen"]))] self.oversample = self.cmds["SIM_OVERSAMPLING"] self.fpa_res = self.cmds["SIM_DETECTOR_PIX_SCALE"] self.dit = self.cmds["OBS_DIT"] self.ndit = self.cmds["OBS_NDIT"] self.exptime = self.dit * self.ndit self._n_ph_atmo = 0 self._n_ph_mirror = 0 self._n_ph_ao = 0 self.array = None # defined in method
[docs] def read_out(self, filename=None, to_disk=False, chips=None, read_out_type="superfast", **kwargs): """ Simulate the read-out process of the detector array Based on the parameters set in the ``UserCommands`` object, the detector will read out the images stored on the ``Chips`` according to the specified read-out scheme, i.e. Fowler, up-the-ramp, single read, etc. Parameters ---------- filename : str where the file is to be saved. If ``None`` and ``to_disk`` is true, the output file is called "output.fits". Default is ``None`` to_disk : bool a flag for where the output should go. If ``filename`` is given or if ``to_disk=True``, the ``Chip`` images will be written to a `.fits`` file on disk. If no `filename`` is specified, the output will be called "output.fits". chips : int, array-like, optional The chip or chips to be read out, based on the detector_layout.dat file. Default is the first ``Chip`` specified in the list, i.e. [0]. read_out_type : str, optional The name of the algorithm used to read out the chips: - "superfast" - "non_destructive" - "up_the_ramp" Returns ------- Keyword Arguments (**kwargs) ---------------------------- **kwargs are used to update the ``UserCommands`` object that controls the ``Detector``. Therefore any dictionary keywords can be passed in the form of a dictionary, i.e. {"OBS_DIT" : 60, "OBS_OUTPUT_DIR" : "./"} """ #removed kwargs self.cmds.update(kwargs) if filename is not None: to_disk = True if filename is None and to_disk is True: if self.cmds["OBS_OUTPUT_DIR"] is None: self.cmds["OBS_OUTPUT_DIR"] = "./output.fits" filename = self.cmds["OBS_OUTPUT_DIR"] if chips is not None: if np.isscalar(chips): ro_chips = [chips] else: ro_chips = chips elif chips is None: ro_chips = np.arange(len(self.chips)) else: raise ValueError("Something wrong with ``chips``") # Time stamp for FITS header #creation_date ='seconds') # timespec="seconds" throws an error on some python versions creation_date ="%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S") hdulist = fits.HDUList() # Create primary header unit for multi-extension files if len(ro_chips) > 1: primary_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() primary_hdu.header['DATE'] = creation_date for key in self.cmds.cmds: val = self.cmds.cmds[key] if isinstance(val, (sc.TransmissionCurve, sc.EmissionCurve, sc.UnityCurve, sc.BlackbodyCurve)): val = val.params["filename"] if isinstance(val, str) and len(val) > 35: val = "... " + val[-35:] try: primary_hdu.header["HIERARCH "+key] = val except NameError: # any other exceptions possible? pass hdulist.append(primary_hdu) # Save the detector image(s) for i in ro_chips: ###### # Put in a catch here so that only the chips specified in "chips" # are read out ###### print("Reading out chip", self.chips[i].id, "using", read_out_type) print("DIT =", self.dit, " NDIT =", self.ndit) array = self.chips[i].read_out(self.cmds, read_out_type=read_out_type) ## TODO: transpose is just a hack - need to make sure ## x and y are handled correctly throughout SimCADO thishdu = fits.ImageHDU(array.T) thishdu.header["EXTNAME"] = ("CHIP_{:02d}".format(self.chips[i].id), "Chip ID") thishdu.header["CHIP_ID"] = (self.chips[i].id, "Chip ID") thishdu.header['DATE'] = creation_date # Primary WCS for sky coordinates thishdu.header.extend(self.chips[i].wcs.to_header()) # Secondary WCS for focal plane coordinates try: thishdu.header.extend(self.chips[i].wcs_fp.to_header(key='A')) except AttributeError: print("No WCS_FP!") pass thishdu.header["BUNIT"] = ("ADU", "") thishdu.header["EXPTIME"] = (self.dit, "[s] Exposure time") thishdu.header["NDIT"] = (self.ndit, "Number of exposures") thishdu.header["INTTIME"] = (self.exptime, "[s] Total integration time") #thishdu.header["TRO"] = (self.tro, # "[s] Time between non-destructive readouts") thishdu.header["GAIN"] = (self.chips[i].gain, "[e-/ADU]") thishdu.header["AIRMASS"] = (self.cmds["ATMO_AIRMASS"], "") thishdu.header["ZD"] = \ (airmass2zendist(self.cmds["ATMO_AIRMASS"]), "[deg]") for key in self.cmds.cmds: val = self.cmds.cmds[key] if isinstance(val, str): if len(val) > 35: val = "... " + val[-35:] try: thishdu.header["HIERARCH "+key] = val except NameError: # any other exceptions possible? pass except ValueError: warnings.warn("ValueError - Couldn't add keyword: "+key) hdulist.append(thishdu) if to_disk: hdulist.writeto(filename, clobber=True, checksum=True) return hdulist
[docs] def write(self, filename=None, **kwargs): """ Write a ``Detector`` object out to a FITS file Extended Summary ---------------- Writes the important information contained in a ``Detector`` object into FITS file for later use. The main information written out includes: the layout of the detector chips, any pixel maps associated with the detector chips, a linearity curve and a QE curve for the chips. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional path to the FITS file where the ``Detector`` object is stored. If ``filename=None`` (by default), the file written is ``./detector.fits`` Keyword Arguments (**kwargs) ---------------------------- Examples -------- """ self.params.update(kwargs) if filename is None: filename = self.params["OBS_OUTPUT_DIR"] if filename is None: raise ValueError("No output path was specified. " + \ "Use either filename= or HXRG_OUTPUT_PATH=") hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(self.array) hdu.header["PIX_RES"] = self.pix_res hdu.header["EXPTIME"] = self.dit hdu.header["GAIN"] = self.params["FPA_GAIN"] hdu.header["SIMCADO"] = "FPA_NOISE" try: hdu.writeto(filename, clobber=True, checksum=True) except OSError: warnings.warn(filename+" exists and is busy. OS won't let me write")
################################################################################ # Chip Objects # ################################################################################
[docs]class Chip(object): """ Holds the "image" as seen by a single chip in the focal plane Extended Summary ---------------- The ``Chip`` object contains information on where it is located in the focal plane array. The method ``<Source>.apply_optical_train()`` passes an image of the on-sky object to each ``Chip``. This image is resampled to the ``Chip`` pixel scale. Each ``Chip`` holds the "ideal" image as an array of expectation values for number of photons arriving per second. The ``Chip`` then adds detector noise and other characteristics to the image when <Detector>.readout() is called. Parameters ---------- x_cen, y_cen : float [micron] the coordinates of the centre of the chip relative to the centre of the focal plane x_len, y_len : int the number of pixels per dimension pix_res : float [arcsec] the field of view per pixel id : int an identification number for the chip (assuming they are not correctly ordered) flat_field : np.ndarray a 2D array holding the flat fielding effects for the chip Attributes ---------- x_cen, y_cen : float [arcsec] the coordinates of the centre of the chip relative to the centre of the focal plane naxis1, naxis2 : int the number of pixels per dimension pix_res : float [arcsec] the field of view per pixel chipid : int, optional the id of the chip relative to the others on the detector array. Default is ``None`` dx, dy : float [arcsec] half of the field of view of each chip x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max : float [arcsec] the borders of the chip relative to the centre of the focal plane array : np.ndarray an array for holding the signal registered by the ``Chip`` Methods ------- add_signal(signal) adds signal to ``.array``. The signal should be the same dimensions as ``Chip.array`` add_uniform_background(emission, lam_min, lam_max, output=False) adds a constant to the signal in ``.array``. The background level is found by integrating the ``emission`` curve between ``lam_min`` and ``lam_max``. If output is set to ``True``, an image with the same dimensions as ``.array`` scaled to the background flux is returned. apply_pixel_map(pixel_map_path=None, dead_pix=None, max_well_depth=1E5) applies a mask to ``.array`` representing the position of the current "hot" and "dead" pixels / lines reset() resets the signal on the ``Chip`` to zero. In future releases, an implementation of the persistence characteristics of the detector will go here. Raises ------ See Also -------- Detector, :class:`simcado.source.Source`, :class:`simcado.commands.UserCommands`, :class:`simcado.optics.OpticalTrain` Examples -------- """ def __init__(self, x_cen, y_cen, x_len, y_len, pix_res, pixsize=15, angle=0, gain=1, obs_coords=[0,0], fieldangle=0, chipid=None, flat_field=None): # permanent rotation of chip cangle = np.cos(np.deg2rad(angle)) sangle = np.sin(np.deg2rad(angle)) # offset of chip centre from field centre in um xoff = x_cen * cangle - y_cen * sangle yoff = x_cen * sangle + y_cen * cangle # Primary WCS to transform pixel coordinates to sky coordinates thewcs = WCS(naxis=2) thewcs.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN'] = "PIX2SKY" thewcs.wcs.crval = obs_coords thewcs.wcs.crpix = [(x_len + 1) / 2 - xoff / pixsize, (y_len + 1) / 2 - yoff / pixsize] thewcs.wcs.cdelt = [pix_res / 3600, pix_res / 3600] # arcsec to deg thewcs.wcs.cunit = ['deg', 'deg'] thewcs.wcs.pc = np.array([[cangle, sangle], [-sangle, cangle]]) fieldangle = np.deg2rad(fieldangle) fieldrot = np.matrix([[np.cos(fieldangle), np.sin(fieldangle)], [-np.sin(fieldangle), np.cos(fieldangle)]]) thewcs.wcs.pc = fieldrot * np.asmatrix(thewcs.wcs.pc) self.wcs = thewcs # Second WCS to transform pixel coordinates to focal-plane coordinates wcs_fp = WCS(naxis=2) wcs_fp.wcs.ctype = ['LINEAR', 'LINEAR'] = "PIX2FP" wcs_fp.wcs.crval = [0., 0.] wcs_fp.wcs.crpix = [(x_len + 1) / 2 - xoff / pixsize, (y_len + 1) / 2 - yoff / pixsize] wcs_fp.wcs.cdelt = [pixsize, pixsize] wcs_fp.wcs.cunit = ['mm', 'mm'] wcs_fp.wcs.pc = np.array([[cangle, sangle], [-sangle, cangle]]) self.wcs_fp = wcs_fp # attributes in um self.xcen_um = x_cen self.ycen_um = y_cen dx_um = (x_len // 2) * pixsize dy_um = (y_len // 2) * pixsize self.xmin_um = self.xcen_um - dx_um self.xmax_um = self.xcen_um + dx_um self.ymin_um = self.ycen_um - dy_um self.ymax_um = self.ycen_um + dy_um # for backwards compatibility: attributes in arcsec self.x_cen = x_cen / pixsize * pix_res self.y_cen = y_cen / pixsize * pix_res self.naxis1 = x_len self.naxis2 = y_len self.pix_res = pix_res self.gain = gain = chipid dx = (x_len // 2) * pix_res dy = (y_len // 2) * pix_res self.x_min = self.x_cen - dx self.x_max = self.x_cen + dx self.y_min = self.y_cen - dy self.y_max = self.y_cen + dy self.array = None self.ndit = 0 self.dit = 0 self.dark = 0 self.min_dit = 0 if flat_field is not None: if isinstance(flat_field, (fits.ImageHDU, fits.PrimaryHDU)): flat_field = wf, hf = flat_field.shape zx, zy = self.naxis1 / wf, self.naxis2 / hf if wf == 1. and hf == 1.: self.flat_field = flat_field else: self.flat_field = spi.zoom(flat_field, (zx, zy), order=1) self.flat_field = self.flat_field.T else: self.flat_field = None
[docs] def add_signal(self, signal): """ Add a 2D array of photon signal to the Chip Add some signal photons to the detector array. Input units are expected to be [ph/s/pixel] Parameters ---------- signal : np.ndarray [ph/pixel/s] photon signal. ``signal`` should have the same dimensions as the ``array`` Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(signal, np.ndarray): if signal.shape[0] == self.naxis1 and \ signal.shape[1] == self.naxis2: if self.array is None: self.array = signal else: self.array += signal else: raise ValueError(str(signal.shape) + " != " + \ str((self.naxis1, self.naxis2))) elif not hasattr(signal, "__len__"): self.array += signal
[docs] def add_uniform_background(self, emission, lam_min, lam_max, output=False): """ Add a uniform background Take an EmissionCurve and some wavelength boundaries, lam_min and lam_max, and sum up the photons in between. Add those to the source array. Parameters ---------- - emission_curve: EmissionCurve object with background emission photons - lam_min, lam_max: the wavelength limits Optional keywords: - output: [False, True] if output is True, the BG emission array is returned Output is in [ph/s/pixel]. """ if isinstance(emission, sc.EmissionCurve): bg_photons = emission.photons_in_range(lam_min, lam_max) elif isinstance(emission, (float, int)): bg_photons = emission else: bg_photons = 0 warnings.warn("type(emission) invalid. No background added") if output is True: return bg_photons * np.ones(self.array.shape, dtype=np.float32) else: self.array += bg_photons
[docs] def apply_pixel_map(self, pixel_map_path=None, dead_pix=None, max_well_depth=1E5): """ Adds "hot" and "dead" pixels to the array Extended Summary ---------------- applies a mask to ``.array`` representing the positions of the current "hot" and "dead" pixels / lines. The method either reads in a FITS file with locations of these pixels, or generates a series of random coordinates and random weights for the pixels. Parameters ---------- pixel_map_path : str path to the FITS file. Default is None dead_pix : int [%] the percentage of dead or hot pixels on the chip - only used if ``pixel_map_path = None``. Default is ``None``. max_well_depth : 1E5 Returns ------- None """ try: pixel_map = fits.getdata(pixel_map_path) if self.array.shape != pixel_map.shape: raise ValueError("pixel_map.shape != detector_array.shape") self.array += pixel_map * max_well_depth except ValueError: if dead_pix is not None: n = int(self.naxis1 * self.naxis2 * dead_pix / 100) x = np.random.randint(self.naxis1, size=n) y = np.random.randint(self.naxis2, size=n) z = np.random.random(n) self.array[x, y] += z * max_well_depth else: raise ValueError("Couldn't apply pixel_map")
[docs] def reset(self): self.array = None
[docs] def read_out(self, cmds, read_out_type="superfast"): """ Read out the detector array Parameters ---------- cmds : simcado.UserCommands Commands for how to read out the chip Returns ------- out_array : np.ndarray image of the chip read out """ # set up the read out self.dit = cmds["OBS_DIT"] self.ndit = int(cmds["OBS_NDIT"]) self.exptime = self.dit * self.ndit self.dark = cmds["FPA_DARK_MEDIAN"] self.min_dit = cmds["FPA_PIXEL_READ_TIME"] * \ (self.naxis1 * self.naxis1 / cmds["HXRG_NUM_OUTPUTS"]) if self.array is None: self.array = np.zeros((self.naxis1, self.naxis2), dtype=np.float32) # At this point, the only negatives come from the convolution. # Remove them for the Poisson process self.array[self.array < 0] = 0 out_array = np.zeros(self.array.shape, dtype=np.float32) ######## Multiply by Exptime # the different read out modes if read_out_type.lower() == "superfast": out_array = self._read_out_superfast(cmds, self.dit, self.ndit) elif read_out_type.lower() == "non_destructive": out_array = self._read_out_non_destructive(cmds, self.dit, self.ndit) elif read_out_type.lower() == "up_the_ramp": out_array = self._read_out_up_the_ramp(cmds, self.dit, max_byte=2**30) else: raise ValueError("``read_out_type`` not readable") ######## Flat fielding if self.flat_field is not None: out_array *= self.flat_field ######## Remove a constant BG level if cmds["OBS_REMOVE_CONST_BG"].lower() == "yes": bg_val = np.median(out_array) out_array -= bg_val return out_array
def _read_out_non_destructive(self, cmds, dit, ndit): """ Read out NDIT times non-destructively according to FPA_READ_OUT_SCHEME Parameters ---------- cmds : UserCommands Returns ------- out_array : np.ndarray """ lin_curve = cmds["FPA_LINEARITY_CURVE"] ro_times = self._get_readout_times(scheme=cmds["FPA_READ_OUT_SCHEME"]) out_array = np.zeros(self.array.shape, dtype=np.float32) for n in range(self.ndit): ro_cube = [] for t in ro_times: signal = self._read_out_poisson((self.array + self.dark), dit=t, ndit=1) if lin_curve is not None: signal, lin_curve = self._apply_linearity(signal, lin_curve, return_curve=True) read_noise = self._read_noise_frame(cmds)[0] ro_cube += [signal + read_noise] ro_cube = np.array(ro_cube) mask = ro_cube > cmds["FPA_FULL_WELL_DEPTH"] masked_ro_cube = ma.array(ro_cube, mask=mask) masked_ro_cube[1:,:,:] -= masked_ro_cube[0,:,:] ro_times.resize((len(ro_times),1,1)) masked_ro_cube[1:,:,:] /= ro_times[1:,:,:] av_ro_cube = np.average(masked_ro_cube[1:,:,:], axis=0) out_array += av_ro_cube * dit out_array /= self.gain return out_array.astype(np.float32) ## TODO: What to do if dit = min_dit (single read)? ## TODO: Make breaking up into memory chunks more flexible? def _read_out_up_the_ramp(self, cmds, dit, max_byte=2**30): """ Test readout onto a detector using cube model Parameters ---------- image : a 2D image to be mapped onto the detector. Units are [ph/s/pixel] dit : integration time [s] Optional Parameters ------------------- max_byte : the largest possible chunk of memory that can be used for computing the sampling slope This function builds an intermediate cube of dimensions (nx, ny, nro) with a layer for each non-destructive read. Output is given in [ph/pixel]. """ print("NOTE - 'up the ramp' readout only reads a single DIT") image = self.array + self.dark tro = self.min_dit nx, ny = image.shape nro = / tro) tpts = (1 + np.arange(nro)) * tro img_byte = image.nbytes pix_byte = img_byte / (nx * ny) max_pix = max_byte / pix_byte #cube_megabyte = img_byte * nro / 2**20 #print("Full cube has {0:.1f} Megabytes".format(cube_megabyte)) ny_cut = / (nx * nro)) if ny_cut >= ny: ny_cut = ny #print("Cut image to ny={0:d} rows".format(ny_cut)) slope = np.zeros(image.shape) cube = np.zeros((nx, ny_cut, nro)) y1 = 0 while y1 < ny: y2 = y1 + ny_cut if y2 > ny: y2 = ny ny_cut = ny - y1 try: del cube cube = np.zeros((nx, ny_cut, nro)) except NameError: pass ## Fill the cube with Poisson realization, individual reads for i in range(nro): cube[:, :, i] = np.random.poisson(image[:, y1:y2] * tro) ## Build the ramp sumcube = cube.cumsum(axis=2) ## determine the slope using explicit formula calculated over cube Sx = tpts.sum() Sxx = (tpts * tpts).sum() Sy = np.sum(sumcube, axis=2) Sxy = np.sum(sumcube * tpts, axis=2) slope[:, y1:y2] = (nro * Sxy - Sx * Sy) / (nro * Sxx - Sx * Sx) ## Move to next slice y1 = y2 # return values are [ph/pixel] return slope * dit def _read_out_superfast(self, cmds, dit, ndit): """ Superfast read-out """ signal = self._read_out_poisson(self.array + self.dark, dit, ndit) # apply the linearity curve lin_curve = cmds["FPA_LINEARITY_CURVE"] if lin_curve is not None: signal, lin_curve = self._apply_linearity(signal, lin_curve, return_curve=True) # superfast hack to get an approximation of the readout noise # in the image ro = self._read_noise_frame(cmds, n_frames=1) / np.sqrt(ndit) ########## Could work, but it's too slow for ndit > 10 ############## # add 1 to the ndits, because there will always be a readout at # the start #ro_frames = self._read_noise_frame(cmds, n_frames=max(ndit,2)) #ro = np.sum(ro_frames, axis=0) out_array = signal + ro out_array /= self.gain return out_array def _read_out_poisson(self, image, dit, ndit): """ Apply a poisson distribution to the image Parameters ---------- image : np.ndarray image to be poissonified dit : float [s] length of exposure ndit : int [#] number of exposures Returns ------- im_st : np.ndarray average of ndit exposures of length dit """ # image2 holds the number of photons expected over a single # exposure image2 = image * dit # Check for windows systems. np.poisson is limited to 32-bit if == "nt": image2[image2 > 2.147E9] = 2.147E9 # 2**31 = 2147483648 # Each DIT is read out individually. This helps prevent overflows # due to too large expected photon numbers, at the expense of increased # execution time. im_st = np.zeros(np.shape(image)) for _ in range(ndit): im_st += np.random.poisson(image2) # Return the average image, corresponding to one DIT im_st /= ndit return im_st.astype(np.float32) def _read_noise_frame(self, cmds, n_frames=1): """ Read in read-out-noise from the FITS file specified by FPA_NOISE_PATH If cmds["FPA_NOISE_PATH"] == "gen", all info about the size and number of layers must be in the :class:`.UserCommands` object. I.e. HXRG_NUM_NDRO Parameters ---------- cmds : UserCommands n_frames : int The number of frames needed Returns ------- noise_cube : np.ndarray if n_frames == 1: shape = (naxis1, naxis2) else: shape = = (naxis1, naxis2, n_frames) """ if cmds["FPA_USE_NOISE"].lower() == "no": return np.zeros((self.naxis1, self.naxis2)) if "gen" in cmds["FPA_NOISE_PATH"].lower(): if cmds["HXRG_OUTPUT_PATH"] is not None: generate_hxrg_noise(cmds) tmp = fits.getdata(cmds["HXRG_OUTPUT_PATH"]) return tmp[:self.naxis1, :self.naxis2] else: noise_cube = generate_hxrg_noise(cmds) elif cmds["FPA_NOISE_PATH"] is not None: n = len(["FPA_NOISE_PATH"], False)) layer = np.random.randint(low=0, high=n, size=n_frames) tmp = [fits.getdata(cmds["FPA_NOISE_PATH"], i) for i in layer] noise_cube = np.array([im[:self.naxis1, :self.naxis2] for im in tmp]) else: noise_cube = np.zeros((self.naxis1, self.naxis2, n_frames)) if n_frames == 1: return noise_cube[0, :, :] else: return noise_cube def _get_readout_times(self, scheme="double_corr"): """ Expect that scheme = cmds["FPA_READ_OUT_SCHEME"] """ if "double_corr" in scheme: scheme = [0, self.dit] elif "up" in scheme: scheme = np.arange(0, self.dit, self.min_dit + 1E-3) elif "fowl" in scheme: fowl_pair = np.min((4, int(self.dit / self.min_dit) // 2)) scheme = np.arange(0, self.dit, self.min_dit + 1E-3).tolist() scheme = scheme[:fowl_pair] + scheme[-fowl_pair:] if isinstance(scheme, str): if os.path.exists(scheme): data = times = data[data.colnames[0]] elif isinstance(scheme, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): times = np.array(scheme) return times.astype(np.float32) def _apply_linearity(self, in_array, curve, return_curve=False): """ Apply a linearity curve to a 2D array Parameters ---------- in_array : array the array to be linearized curve : string, astropy.Table if string, it is assumed to be a filename if Table, it is assumed to be from a previous run return_curve : bool whether to return the linearity curve Returns ------- out_array, data : array, Table if return_curve == True out_array : array if return_curve == False """ from astropy.table import Table if isinstance(curve, str): if os.path.exists(curve): data = else: raise ValueError("file doesn't exist: "+curve) elif isinstance(curve, Table): data = curve real_cts = data[data.colnames[0]].data.astype(np.float32) measured_cts = data[data.colnames[1]].data.astype(np.float32) out_array = np.interp(in_array.flatten(), real_cts, measured_cts).reshape(in_array.shape) out_array = out_array.astype(np.float32) if return_curve: return out_array, data else: return out_array def __array__(self): return self.array def __mul__(self, x): psf_new = deepcopy(self) return psf_new.array * x def __add__(self, x): psf_new = deepcopy(self) return psf_new.array + x def __sub__(self, x): psf_new = deepcopy(self) return psf_new.array - x def __rmul__(self, x): return self.__mul__(x) def __radd__(self, x): return self.__add__(x) def __rsub__(self, x): psf_new = deepcopy(self) return x - psf_new.array def __imul__(self, x): return self.__mul__(x) def __iadd__(self, x): return self.__add__(x) def __isub__(self, x): return self.__sub__(x)
# TODO this ought to be renamed (redefined-builtin)
[docs]def open(self, filename): """ Opens a saved ``Detector`` file. ** Not yet implemented ** ** Should be moved outside of ``Detector`` and called with ```` ** Detector objects can be saved to FITS file and read back in for later simulations. Parameters ---------- filename : str path to the FITS file where the ``Detector`` object is stored Returns ------- ``simcado.Detector`` object Examples -------- """ if not os.path.exists(filename): raise FileNotFoundError(filename + " doesn't exist") with as fp1: self.params.update(fp1[0].header) self.array = fp1[0].data raise ValueError("Function not finished")
#def plot_detector_layout(detector, clr="g"): # """Plot the detector layout. NOT FINISHED """ # try: # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # except ImportError: # raise ImportError("matplotlib can't be found") # # for i, chip in enumerate(detector.chips): # plt.plot((chip.x_min, chip.x_max), (chip.y_min, chip.y_min), clr) # plt.plot((chip.x_min, chip.x_max), (chip.y_max, chip.y_max), clr) # plt.plot((chip.x_min, chip.x_min), (chip.y_min, chip.y_max), clr) # plt.plot((chip.x_max, chip.x_max), (chip.y_min, chip.y_max), clr) # plt.text(chip.x_cen, chip.y_cen,, fontsize=14) # plt.xlabel("Distance [arcsec]", fontsize=14) # plt.ylabel("Distance [arcsec]", fontsize=14)
[docs]def plot_detector_layout(detector, plane="sky", fmt='g-', plot_origin=False, label=True, **kwargs): """Plot the detector layout Parameters ========== detector : simcado.Detector The Detector to be shown plane : 'sky' or 'fpa' Plot detector layout on the sky (in arcsec) or in the focal plane (in mm) fmt : matplotlib format string plot_origin : bool Mark position pixel (1,1) for each chip. label : bool Label the chips with their numberq Keyword arguments ================= Further keywords arguments are passed on to the matplotlib plot function and can be used to set line style or colour of the detector outline. """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt npts = 101 for chip in detector.chips: if plane == 'sky': thewcs = chip.wcs scale = 3600. xlabel = 'RA offset (arcsec)' ylabel = 'DE offset (arcsec)' elif plane == 'fpa': thewcs = chip.wcs_fp scale = 1. xlabel = 'x (mm)' ylabel = 'y (mm)' xrange = np.linspace(1, chip.naxis1, npts) yrange = np.linspace(1, chip.naxis2, npts) xpix = np.concatenate((xrange, np.zeros(npts) + chip.naxis1, xrange[::-1], np.zeros(npts) + 1)) ypix = np.concatenate((np.zeros(npts) + 1, yrange, np.zeros(npts) + chip.naxis2, yrange[::-1])) xworld, yworld = thewcs.all_pix2world(xpix, ypix, 1) xworld -= thewcs.wcs.crval[0] yworld -= thewcs.wcs.crval[1] plt.plot(xworld * scale, yworld * scale, fmt, **kwargs) if plot_origin: x0, y0 = thewcs.all_pix2world(1, 1, 1) x0 -= thewcs.wcs.crval[0] y0 -= thewcs.wcs.crval[1] plt.plot(x0 * scale, y0 * scale, 'r.') xcen, ycen = thewcs.all_pix2world(chip.naxis1 / 2, chip.naxis2 / 2, 1) xcen -= thewcs.wcs.crval[0] ycen -= thewcs.wcs.crval[1] if label: plt.text(xcen * scale, ycen * scale, plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') if plane == 'sky': plt.gca().invert_xaxis() plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel)
[docs]def plot_detector(detector): """ Plot the contents of a detector array Parameters ---------- detector : simcado.Detector The detector object to be shown """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm plt.figure(figsize=(15*2, 13.75*2)) x0 = np.min([i.x_min for i in detector.chips]) x1 = np.max([i.x_max for i in detector.chips]) y0 = np.min([i.y_min for i in detector.chips]) y1 = np.max([i.y_max for i in detector.chips]) w = (detector.chips[0].x_max - detector.chips[0].x_min)/(x1 - x0) h = (detector.chips[0].y_max - detector.chips[0].y_min)/(y1 - y0) for chip in detector.chips: ax1 = plt.axes([(chip.x_min - x0)/(x1 - x0), (chip.y_min - y0)/(y1 - y0), w, h]) ax1.set_xticks([]) ax1.set_yticks([]) if chip.array is not None: ax1.imshow(np.rot90(chip.array - np.min(chip.array)), norm=LogNorm(), cmap="Greys", vmin=1)
def generate_hxrg_noise(cmds): """ Generate a read noise frame using a UserCommands object Create a detector noise array using Bernhard Rauscher's NGHxRG tool Parameters ---------- cmds : simcado.UserCommands """ #if len(kwargs) > 0 and self.verbose: print("updating ",kwargs) #self.params.update(kwargs) print("Generating a new chip noise array") print(mp.current_process()) # HXRG needs a pca file to run. Work out what a PCA file means!! ng_h4rg = HXRGNoise(naxis1=cmds["HXRG_NAXIS1"], naxis2=cmds["HXRG_NAXIS2"], naxis3=cmds["HXRG_NUM_NDRO"], n_out=cmds["HXRG_NUM_OUTPUTS"], nroh=cmds["HXRG_NUM_ROW_OH"], pca0_file=cmds["HXRG_PCA0_FILENAME"], verbose=cmds["SIM_VERBOSE"]) # Make a noise file noise = ng_h4rg.mknoise(o_file=cmds["HXRG_OUTPUT_PATH"], rd_noise=cmds["FPA_READOUT_MEDIAN"], pedestal=cmds["HXRG_PEDESTAL"], c_pink=cmds["HXRG_CORR_PINK"], u_pink=cmds["HXRG_UNCORR_PINK"], acn=cmds["HXRG_ALT_COL_NOISE"]) return noise
[docs]def make_noise_cube(num_layers=25, filename="FPA_noise.fits", multicore=True): """ Create a large noise cube with many separate readout frames. Note: Each frame takes about 15 seconds to be generated. The default value of 25 frames will take around six minutes depending on your computer's architecture. Parameters ---------- num_layers : int, optional the number of separate readout frames to be generated. Default is 25. filename : str, optional The filename for the FITS cube. Default is "FPA_noise.fits" multicore : bool, optional If you're not using windows, this allows the process to use all available cores on your machine to speed up the process. Default is True Notes ----- multicore doesn't work - fix it """ if sys.version_info.major < 3: print("Sorry, but this only works in Python 3 and above. \ See the SimCADO FAQs for work-around options") return None cmds = commands.UserCommands() cmds["FPA_NOISE_PATH"] = "generate" cmds["FPA_CHIP_LAYOUT"] = "default" if "Windows" in os.environ.get('OS', ''): multicore = False if __name__ == "__main__" and multicore: pool = mp.Pool(processes=mp.cpu_count()-1) frames =, (cmds)*num_layers) else: frames = [generate_hxrg_noise(cmds) \ for i in range(num_layers)] hdu = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(frames[0])] + \ [fits.ImageHDU(frames[i]) \ for i in range(1, num_layers)]) if filename is None: return hdu else: hdu.writeto(filename, overwrite=True, checksum=True)
[docs]def install_noise_cube(n=9): """ Install a noise cube in the package directory Parameters ---------- n : int, optional number of layers. Warning ------- Each layer is ~64MB, default is 9 layers (~600MB). If you have less than 1 GB on the drive where your Python installation is. Be careful! """ if sys.version_info.major >= 3: print("WARNING - this process can take up to 10 minutes. Fear not!") hdu = make_noise_cube(n, filename=None) filename = find_file("FPA_noise.fits") hdu.writeto(filename, overwrite=True, checksum=True) print("Saved noise cube with", n, "layers to the package directory:") print(filename) else: print("Sorry, but this only works in Python 3 and above. \ See the SimCADO FAQs for work-around options")