simcado.detector module

A description of the Chip noise properties and their positions on the Detector

Module Summary

This module holds three classes: Detector, Chip and HXRGNoise.

Chip Everything to do with photons and electrons happens in the Chip class. Each Chip is initialised with a position relative to the centre of the detector array, a size [in pixels] and a resolution [in arcsec]. Photons fall onto the Chip s and are read out together with the read noise characteristics of the Chip.

Detector The Detector holds the information on where the Chip s are placed on the focal plane. Focal plane coordinates are in [arcsec]. These coordinates are either read in from a default file or determined by the user. The Detector object is an intermediary - it only passes information on the photons to the Chip s. It is mainly a convenience class so that the user can read out all Chip s at the same time.



builds an array of Chip objects based on a UserCommands object


converts incoming photons into ADUs and adds in read-out noise

See Also

simcado.optics.OpticalTrain, simcado.source.Source



[1] Bernhard Rauscher’s HxRG Noise Generator script


The Detector can be used in stand-alone mode. In this case it outputs only the noise that a sealed-off detector would generate:

>>> import simcado
>>> fpa = simcado.Detector(simcado.UserCommands())
>>> fpa.read_out(output=True, chips=[0])

The Detector is more useful if we combine it with a Source object and an OpticalTrain. Here we create a Source object for an open cluster in the LMC and pass the photons arriving from it through the E-ELT and MICADO. The photons are then cast onto the detector array. Each Chip converts the photons to ADUs and adds the resulting image to an Astropy HDUList. The HDUList is then written to disk.

>>> # Create a set of commands, optical train and detector
>>> import simcado
>>> cmds = simcado.UserCommands()
>>> opt_train = simcado.OpticalTrain(cmds)
>>> fpa = simcado.Detector(cmds)
>>> # Pass photons from a 10^4 Msun open cluster in the LMC through to the detector
>>> src = sim.source.source_1E4_Msun_cluster()
>>> src.apply_optical_train(opt_train, fpa)
>>># Read out the detector array to a FITS file
>>> fpa.read_out(filename="my_raw_image.fits")
class simcado.detector.Detector(cmds, small_fov=True)[source]

Bases: object

Generate a series of Chip objects for a focal plane array

The Detector is a holder for the series of Chip objects which make up the detector array. The main advantage of the Detector object is that the user can read out all chips in the whole detector array at once. A Detector is a parameter in the Source.apply_optical_train() method.


Commands for how to model the Detector

small_fovbool, optional

Default is True. Uses a single 1024x1024 window at the centre of the FoV


Create a Detector object

>>> import simcado as sim
>>> my_cmds = sim.UserCommands()
>>> my_detector = sim.Detector(my_cmds)

Read out only the first Chip

>>> my_detector.readout(filename=image.fits, chips=[0])

commands for modelling the detector layout and exposures


table of positions and sizes of the chips on the focal plane


a list of the Chips which make up the detector array


factor between the internal angular resolution and the pixel FOV


[mas] field of view of a single pixel


[s] exposure time of a single DIT


[s] time between consecutive non-destructive readouts in up-the-ramp mode


number of exposures (DITs)



for reading out the detector array into a FITS file


not yet implemented


not yet implemented Save the Detector object into a FITS file

.. todo::

Open should be moved into a general function for which returns a Detector object after reading in a saved detector file

read_out(self, filename=None, to_disk=False, chips=None, read_out_type='superfast', **kwargs)[source]

Simulate the read-out process of the detector array

Based on the parameters set in the UserCommands object, the detector will read out the images stored on the Chips according to the specified read-out scheme, i.e. Fowler, up-the-ramp, single read, etc.


where the file is to be saved. If None and to_disk is true, the output file is called “output.fits”. Default is None


a flag for where the output should go. If filename is given or if to_disk=True, the Chip images will be written to a .fits` file on disk. If no filename` is specified, the output will be called “output.fits”.

chipsint, array-like, optional

The chip or chips to be read out, based on the detector_layout.dat file. Default is the first Chip specified in the list, i.e. [0].

read_out_typestr, optional

The name of the algorithm used to read out the chips: - “superfast” - “non_destructive” - “up_the_ramp”

write(self, filename=None, **kwargs)[source]

Write a Detector object out to a FITS file

Writes the important information contained in a Detector object into FITS file for later use. The main information written out includes: the layout of the detector chips, any pixel maps associated with the detector chips, a linearity curve and a QE curve for the chips.

filenamestr, optional

path to the FITS file where the Detector object is stored. If filename=None (by default), the file written is ./detector.fits

class simcado.detector.Chip(x_cen, y_cen, x_len, y_len, pix_res, pixsize=15, angle=0, gain=1, obs_coords=[0, 0], fieldangle=0, chipid=None, flat_field=None)[source]

Bases: object

Holds the “image” as seen by a single chip in the focal plane

The Chip object contains information on where it is located in the focal plane array. The method <Source>.apply_optical_train() passes an image of the on-sky object to each Chip. This image is resampled to the Chip pixel scale. Each Chip holds the “ideal” image as an array of expectation values for number of photons arriving per second. The Chip then adds detector noise and other characteristics to the image when <Detector>.readout() is called.

x_cen, y_cenfloat

[micron] the coordinates of the centre of the chip relative to the centre of the focal plane

x_len, y_lenint

the number of pixels per dimension


[arcsec] the field of view per pixel


an identification number for the chip (assuming they are not correctly ordered)


a 2D array holding the flat fielding effects for the chip

x_cen, y_cenfloat

[arcsec] the coordinates of the centre of the chip relative to the centre of the focal plane

naxis1, naxis2int

the number of pixels per dimension


[arcsec] the field of view per pixel

chipidint, optional

the id of the chip relative to the others on the detector array. Default is None

dx, dyfloat

[arcsec] half of the field of view of each chip

x_min, x_max, y_min, y_maxfloat

[arcsec] the borders of the chip relative to the centre of the focal plane


an array for holding the signal registered by the Chip



adds signal to .array. The signal should be the same dimensions as Chip.array

add_uniform_background(emission, lam_min, lam_max, output=False)

adds a constant to the signal in .array. The background level is found by integrating the emission curve between lam_min and lam_max. If output is set to True, an image with the same dimensions as .array scaled to the background flux is returned.

apply_pixel_map(pixel_map_path=None, dead_pix=None, max_well_depth=1E5)

applies a mask to .array representing the position of the current “hot” and “dead” pixels / lines


resets the signal on the Chip to zero. In future releases, an implementation of the persistence characteristics of the detector will go here.

add_signal(self, signal)[source]

Add a 2D array of photon signal to the Chip

Add some signal photons to the detector array. Input units are expected to be [ph/s/pixel]


[ph/pixel/s] photon signal. signal should have the same dimensions as the array

add_uniform_background(self, emission, lam_min, lam_max, output=False)[source]

Add a uniform background

Take an EmissionCurve and some wavelength boundaries, lam_min and lam_max, and sum up the photons in between. Add those to the source array.

- emission_curve: EmissionCurve object with background emission photons
- lam_min, lam_max: the wavelength limits
Optional keywords:
- output: [False, True] if output is True, the BG emission array is


Output is in [ph/s/pixel].
apply_pixel_map(self, pixel_map_path=None, dead_pix=None, max_well_depth=100000.0)[source]

Adds “hot” and “dead” pixels to the array

applies a mask to .array representing the positions of the current “hot” and “dead” pixels / lines. The method either reads in a FITS file with locations of these pixels, or generates a series of random coordinates and random weights for the pixels.


path to the FITS file. Default is None


[%] the percentage of dead or hot pixels on the chip - only used if pixel_map_path = None. Default is None.

read_out(self, cmds, read_out_type='superfast')[source]

Read out the detector array


Commands for how to read out the chip


image of the chip read out

reset(self)[source], filename)[source]

Opens a saved Detector file.

** Not yet implemented ** ** Should be moved outside of Detector and called with **

Detector objects can be saved to FITS file and read back in for later simulations.


path to the FITS file where the Detector object is stored

simcado.Detector object

Plot the contents of a detector array


The detector object to be shown

simcado.detector.plot_detector_layout(detector, plane='sky', fmt='g-', plot_origin=False, label=True, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the detector layout


The Detector to be shown

plane‘sky’ or ‘fpa’

Plot detector layout on the sky (in arcsec) or in the focal plane (in mm)

fmtmatplotlib format string

Mark position pixel (1,1) for each chip.


Label the chips with their numberq

simcado.detector.make_noise_cube(num_layers=25, filename='FPA_noise.fits', multicore=True)[source]

Create a large noise cube with many separate readout frames.

Note: Each frame takes about 15 seconds to be generated. The default value of 25 frames will take around six minutes depending on your computer’s architecture.

num_layersint, optional

the number of separate readout frames to be generated. Default is 25.

filenamestr, optional

The filename for the FITS cube. Default is “FPA_noise.fits”

multicorebool, optional

If you’re not using windows, this allows the process to use all available cores on your machine to speed up the process. Default is True


multicore doesn’t work - fix it


Install a noise cube in the package directory

nint, optional

number of layers.