Examples with the Source object

The Source class is probably the most important class for testing science cases. Therefore spending time on creating accurate Source representations of the object of interest is key to getting good results with SimCADO.

Basically a Source object represents photon sources using lists of positions (.x, .y), a list of unique spectra (.spectra) and a list of references which match each photon source to a spectrum in the list of spectra (.ref). All sources (extended and point source) can be decomposed into these lists. The advantage of using this approach is that objects with highly similar spectra can both reference the same position in .spectra, thereby reducing the number of spectra that need to be manipulated during a simulation.

My first Source object

To begin with it is probably easiest to let SimCADO generate a Source object. The convenience function simcado.source.star() will generate a Source object containing a single star. In this case, we’ll choose an G2V star with a K-band magnitude of 20, placed 5 arcsec above the centre of the focal plane:

>>> star_1 = simcado.source.star(mag=20, filter_name="K", spec_type="G2V", x=5, y=0))

star_1 the coordinates of the star are held in the arrays .x and .y, and the G2V spectrum in `.spectra´:

>>> star_1.x[0], star_1.y[0]
(5, 0)

The spectrum for star_1 is held in .spectra and the central wavelength of each of the spectral bins is in .lam.

>>> star_1.lam, star_1.spectra[0]
<insert output here>


.lam is a (1,n) array where as .spectra is a (m,n) array where n is the number of bins in the spectra and m is the number of unique spectra in the Source object. If the Source only contains a single unique spectrum, then .spectra will be a (1,n) array too.

Combining Source objects

Because a Source object is just a collection of arrays, it is easy to add many together with the + operator:

>>> star_2 = simcado.source.star(mag=22, filter_name="K", spec_type="A0V", x=2, y=-2)
>>> two_stars = star_1 + star_2
>>> two_stars.x, two_stars.y
((5, 2), (0, -2))


this is a very trivial example (for which SimCADO has a more elegant function: simcado.source.stars()), but it serves to illustrate the main idea. The overloaded + operator is very useful for combining objects, e.g. forground stars and background galaxies, in order to get a better representation of the sky.


if you are planning on creating sources for large numbers of stars (e.g. >>10 stars), using the plural function stars() will save you a lot of time.

Point sources

For generating a field of stars, SimCADO offers a series of convenience functions. Please see the docstring or API documentation for more information on how best to use them.

  • simcado.source.star()

  • simcado.source.stars()

  • simcado.source.star_grid()

  • simcado.source.cluster()

SimCADO’s in-built example spectra

Add a section on this

  • Stellar templates from Pickles (1998)

    • simcado.source.SED()

    • simcado.source.empty_sky()

  • Galaxy templates from STSCI

Each of these functions returns two arrays: lam and spec

Using an image as a template for a Source object

If we have an extended source that we wish to simulate, e.g. a galaxy, a nebula, etc. we can use the function simcado.source.source_from_image(). The image must be a 2D numpy.ndarray, but it can come from anywhere, e.g. a FITS file, generated my another function, or even a MS Paint bitmap image.

>>> image_1 = astropy.io.fits.getdata("orion.fits")
>>> image_1
array([[0.0, ... 0.0],
       ... ,
       [0.0, ... 0.0]])

Here SimCADO takes a the pixel coordinates of the image and converts them to positions on the focal plane.


the user must specify a plate-scale in arcseconds (pix_res=) for the image. Each pixel with a value above a certain threshold (default flux_threshold=0) will be used in the Source object. The coordinates of these pixels are added to the arrays .x and .y.

We also need to provide a spectrum for the image. This spectrum is assumed to be the only spectrum for each pixel in the image. The pixel values are then the intensity assigned to that spectrum at that pixel position.

SimCADO provides the pickles library for stellar spectra. Unfortunately there aren’t any built-in galactic spectra yet - for this the user will need to provide their own spectrum.

>>> lam, spec_1 = simcado.source.SED("G2V", "K", magnitude=20)
>>> lam, spec_1
(array([0.7 ... 2.5]), array([0.0 ... 0.0]))

With image_1, lam and spec_1 we can now build a Source object for an orion-like nebula that has the spectrum of a sun-like star.

>>> simcado.source.source_from_image(image_1, lam, spec_1, pix_res=0.004, flux_threshold=0)

While this example is physically unrealistic, it serves the purpose of showing how to build a Source object from an image. The user is

Images with multipe spectra

In reality assigning a single spectrum to an extended object is of limited use. For a Source to be realistic is should contain multiple spectra for objects in different locations. The best way to simulate this with SimCADO is to create a Source object for each unique group of objects (e.g. old stellar population, star forming regions, AGN, etc) and then combine them into a single Source object with the + operator.

As a worked example, lets create a “first-order” approximation to a star forming galaxy. The two major components of this source are 1. the aged stellar population and, 2. the star forming regions.

In our (very) crude model the aged stellar population can be approximated by an ellipse with Gaussian light distribution. As M stars make up the majority of this population, we can assign a M0V spectrum to this population.

>>> from astropy.convolution import Gaussian2DKernel
>>> from simcado.source import SED
>>> old_pop = Gaussian2DKernel(128).array[::3,:]
>>> m0v_spec = SED()

To illustrate (very crudely) the star forming regions we can create a random distribution of elliptical Gaussians using the astropy function Gasussian2DKernel:

Creating a Source object from scratch

To create a Source object from scratch, we initialise the object by passing 5 (or 6) arrays. All the parameter names must be specified.

sim.Source(lam=, spectra=, x=, y=, ref=, [weight=])

where: + x, y - [each a numpy.ndarray]. Coordinates for each point source in the image in units of [arcsec] from the focal plane centre

  • lam - [numpy.ndarray]. An array with the centre of the wavelength bins in [um] for each unique spectrum

  • spectra - [numpy.ndarray]. An (n, m) array holding n spectra, each with m values. Default units are [ph/s] Note - lam and spectra should use a constant bin width. Variable bin widths leads to unpredictable results.

  • ref - [numpy.ndarray]. An array to connect the point source at x[i], y[i] to a unique spectrum at spectra[j], i.e. ref[i] = j

Optional keywords can be specified:

  • weight - [numpy.ndarray], optional. If two sources share the same spectrum, but are at different distances or have different luminosities a scaling factor can be specified to the spectrum when applied to each specific point source.

  • units [default "ph/s"] is the units for the spectra, i.e. n phontons per second per spectral bin. The size of the spectral bins is resolution of the .lam array.

Combining two (or more) Source objects

Source objects can be created in different ways, but the underlying table-structure is the same. Therefore adding Source objects together means simply combining tables. The mathematical operator + can be used to do this:

>>> # ... create a A0V star at (0,0) and a G2V star at (5,-5)
>>> star_A0V = sim.source.star(20, spec_type="A0V", x=0, y=0)
>>> star_G2V = sim.source.star(20, spec_type="G2V", x=5, y=-5)
>>> src_combi = star_A0V + star_G2V
>>> print(src_combi.x, src_combi.y)
[0 5] [ 0 -5]

By adding different Source objects together, it is possible to build up complex objects that will be representative of the observed sky, e.g. old + new galaxy stellar population + gas emission + foreground stars

See examples for how to use the * and - operators with a Source object

Saving a Source object to disk

The Source object is saved as a FITS file with two extensions. See How SimCADO works for more on the file structure.

>>> src_combi.write("my_src.fits")

The file can be read in at a later time by specifying filename= when initialising a Source object - as stated above

>>> my_src = sim.Source(filename="my_src.fits")

In-built Source object for a star cluster

As a test object, SimCADO provides the function, with all distances in parsecs

sim.source.cluster(mass=1E4, distance=50000, half_light_radius=1)

SimCADO convenience functions