Getting Started with SimCADO

SimCADO can be super easy to use, or super complicated. The level of complexity is completely up to the user. A basic simulation involves only 1 thing: a Source object to describe the observable object. Once the user has created this object, the function is all that needs to be called. Controlling the parameters of the simulation can be done either by passing keyword-value pairs, or my using a UserCommands dictionary.


Even though this documentation is not yet complete (it is a very big job), lots more information is included in the docstrings of every SimCADO function and class. These can be easily viewed in the interactive python interface (iPython, or Jupyter Notebook) with either the question mark operator or by using SHIFT+TAB with the cursor over the function name.

Doing this in iPython will call up the docstring:

>>> simcado.Source?


For full details, please see the API and examples of Source Objects

The Source class is probably the most important class for testing science cases. Therefore spending time on creating accurate Source representations of the object of interest is key to getting good results with SimCADO. Source objects can be created from scratch, with functions provided by SimCADO, or by loading in a pre-existing Source-FITS file.


SimCADO is CaSe SensITIVe! SimCADO has the class simcado.Source() and the module simcado.source. These should not be confused. simcado.source is the module which contains the class Source and all the helper functions for creating various types of Source objects. The source code for the class Source is actually in simcado.source.Source, however to make things easy, Source is available directly as simcado.Source(). Be careful and remember simcado.Source != simcado.source.

For a description of the Source object, and the source module, see How SimCADO works.

Loading a pre-existing Source object

To load in a pre-existing Source (i.e. one that you saved earlier), specify the keyword filename= when initialising the Source object.:

>>> import simcado as sim
>>> my_src = sim.Source(filename="star_grid.fits")

Source-FITS files have a very specific file format, so it’s best to only import files that were generated directly from other Source objects. It’s a chicken/egg scenario, which is why the next section deals with creating Source objects in memory. For a description of the file format for saved Source objects, see “File Format of saved Source objects”.

Making a Source with SimCADO’s in-built functions

The simcado.source module provides an ever-increasing series of functions to create Source objects in memory. These include, (from simcado.source)

Two useful functions here are stars() and source_from_image()

  • stars() takes a list of magnitudes (and optionally spectral types) and positions for a common broad-band filter (default is “K”) and generates a Source object with those stars in the field.

    >>> x, y = [-2.5, 0.7, 16.3], [3.3, -0.2, 25.1]
    >>> mags, spec_types = [25,21,28], ["K0V", "A0III", "G2V"]
    >>> filt = "H"
    >>> my_src = sim.source.stars(mags=mags, x=x, y=y, filter_name=filt,
  • source_from_image() creates a Source based on a 2D numpy array provided by the user. The 2D array can come from anywhere, e.g. the data from a FITS image, a BITMAP image, from memory, etc. Alongside the image, the user must provide a spectrum (plus a vector with the bin centres) and the pixel field of view (e.g. 0.004 arcsec for MICADO). SimCADO then extracts all pixels from the image which have values above flux_threshold (defualt is 0) and saves these pixel coordinates. The spectrum provided is then connected to these pixel, and scaled by the pixel value.

    >>> # ... Create an image - a circle with a radius of 20 pixels on a
    >>> # ... grid 200 pixel wide
    >>> XX = np.array([np.arange(-100,101)]*201)
    >>> im = np.sqrt(XX**2 + XX.transpose()**2)
    >>> im[im>20] = 0; im[im>0] = 1
    >>> # ... Pull in the spectrum for a G2V star with K=20
    >>> lam, spec = simcado.source.SED("G2V", filter_name="K", magnitude=20)
    >>> # ... Make the source object
    >>> my_src = sim.source.source_from_image(images=im, lam=lam, spectra=spec, plate_scale=0.004)

SimCADO also provides a series of spectra for stars and galaxies, however these are meant as a guide to those who are just starting out. For serious work, the user is encouraged to provide their own spectra. More information on the in-built spectra can be found in the Source Objects example section.

Simulating with SimCADO

The quick, the dirty and the ugly

As seen on the index page, a simulation can be run using 3 lines of code:

>>> import simcado
>>> src = simcado.Source(filename="my_source.fits")
>>>, filename="my_image.fits")

The run() function is quite powerful. Many users may find that they don’t need anything else to run the simulations they need. The full function call looks like this:, filename=None,
            mode="wide", detector_layout="small",
            cmds=None, opt_train=None, fpa=None,

Lets pull this function call apart in order of importance to the simulation:

  1. src: Obviously the more important aspect is the Source object. Without a Source these is nothing to observe

  2. filename: Where to save the output FITS file. If None is provided (or the parameter is ignored), the output is returned to the user. This comes in handy if you are working in a Jupyter Notebook and wand to play with the output data immediately. Or if you are scripting with SimCADO and don’t want to be slowed down by writing all images to disk

  3. Two important parameters here are mode and detector_layout: These two define the MICADO observing modes.

Currently mode can be either "wide" (4mas/pixel) or "zoom" (1.5mas/pixel).

The detector_layout can also be changed to speed up simulations of single objects. For example if the galaxy you’re interested in is at z=5, you don’t need to read out all 9 MICADO chips for each observation. In fact, a 1024x1024 window at the centre of the middle chip will probably be enough. Therefore SimCADO offers the following “layouts” for the detector - “small”, “wide”, “full”. The default is “small”.

  • small - 1x 1k-detector centred in the FoV

  • centre - 1x 4k-detector centred in the FoV

  • full - 9x 4k-detector as described by the keyword FPA_CHIP_LAYOUT

  1. cmds, opt_train, fpa are all parameters that allow you to provide custom built parts of the machinary. Say you have a set of commands saved from a previous simulation run which differ from the default values, then you can use these by passing a UserCommands object via the cmd parameter. The same goes for passing an custom OpticalTrain object to opt_train and a custom Detector object to fpa. For more information see the relevant examples sections - UserCommands examples, OpticalTrain examples, Detector examples.

  2. return_internals allows you to do the opposite of the previous three parameters. If you would like to save the UserCommands, Detector and/or OpticalTrain from your simulation run, the by setting return_internals=True, SimCADO will return these along with the simulated imagery. Note that this only works if filename=None.

  3. **kwargs: Although kwargs is the last parameter, it actually allows you to control every aspect of the simulation. kwargs takes any keyword-value pair that exist in the SimCADO configuration file, and so you can control single aspects of the simulation by passing these keyword-value pairs to run(). For example, you can increase the exposure time of the image by passing, … , OBS_DIT=600, INST_FILTER_TC=“J”, …)

A list of all the available keyword-value pairs can be found in the Keywords section .

Alternatively you can dump a copy of the default parameters by calling simcado.commands.dump_defaults().

Changing Filters

The keyword INST_FILTER_TC allows you to supply either the name of a filter (i.e. “Ks”, “PaBeta”) or a path to an ASCII file containing a filter curve. INST_FILTER_TC can be passed to run() just like any other SimCADO configuration keyword:

>>>, INST_FILTER_TC="path/to/my_filter_curve.txt")

SimCADO has some generic filters built in. These include all the regular NIR broadband filters (I, z, Y, J, H, K, Ks). There are also some narrow band filter. As the MICADO filter set is expected to change, we will not list the SimCADO filter set here. Instead the user can find out which filters are available by calling the function (as of Nov 2016):

>>> print(sim.optics.get_filter_set())
['B', 'BrGamma', 'CH4_169', 'CH4_227', 'FeII_166', 'H', 'H2O_204', 'H2_212',
 'Hcont_158', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'Ks', 'NH3_153', 'PaBeta', 'R', 'U', 'V', 'Y',

If you’d like to use your own filter curve, note that the ASCII file should contain two columns - the first holds the wavelength values and the second hold the transmission values between 0 and 1.

Setting the observation sequence

The important keywords here are: OBS_DIT, OBS_NDIT

  • OBS_DIT [in seconds] sets the length of a single exposure. The default setting is for a 60s exposure

  • OBS_NDIT sets how many exposures are taken. The default is 1.

Depending on what your intended use for SimCADO is, the keyword OBS_SAVE_ALL_FRAMES=["no", "yes"] could also be useful. The default is to not save all the individual exposures, but stack them and return a single HDU object (or save to a single FITS file). If OBS_SAVE_ALL_FRAMES="yes", then a filename must also be given so that each and every DIT can be saved to disk.

Reading out the detector

Warning: running a full simulation could take ~10 minutes, depending on how much RAM you have available:


The detector_layout keyword is key:

detector_layout : str, optional
    ["small", "centre", "full"] Default is "small".

Where each of the strings means:

  • "small" - 1x 1k-detector centred in the FoV

  • "centre" - 1x 4k-detector centred in the FoV

  • "full" - 9x 4k-detector as per MICADO imaging mode (either 4mas or 1.5mas)

  • "default" - depends on “mode” keyword. Full MICADO 9 chip detector array for either 4mas or 1.5mas modes

PSF utilities in SimCADO

In SimCADO we have pre-packaged some simulated PSFs which match the expectations of the different AO modes of MICADO. As new simulations of the AO capabilities become available we will include these new PSFs in SimCADO. The available PSFs are

  • PSF_SCAO.fits

  • PSF_MCAO.fits

which are the AO modes available. Additionally we provide a LTAO PSF (PSF_LTAO.fits) and a EELT diffraction limited PSF (PSF_POPPY.fits) calculated with poppy

For the moment, the PSF is assumed constant accross the field. The new (refractored) version will be capable to deal with field varying PSFs in a realistic manner.

SimCADO also provides utility functions that are able to produce analytic PSFs to be used in the simulation in adition to the pre-calculated PSFs. Please check the simcado.psf module. The most important functions are the following:

All these functions can save the computed PSFs in fits format by specifying a filename. That file can be later used in the simulations as a parameter in using the SCOPE_PSF_FILE=filename keyword.

In the notebook section you can find a few detailed examples how to create and work with these PSFs.

Saving and reusing commands

The UserCommands object

Passing more than a few keyword-value pairs to the becomes tedious. SimCADO therefore provides a dictionary of commands so that you can keep track of everthing that is happening in a simulation.

>>> my_cmds = simcado.UserCommands()
>>>, cmds=my_cmds)

When initialised the UserCommands object contains all the default values for MICADO, as given in Keywords. The UserCommands object is used just like a normal python dictionary:

>>> my_cmds["OBS_DIT"] = 180
>>> my_cmds["OBS_DIT"]

It can be saved to disk and re-read later on:

>>> my_cmds.writeto("path/to/new_cmds.txt")
>>> new_cmds = simcado.UserCommands("path/to/new_cmds.txt")
>>> new_cmds["OBS_DIT"]

If you prefer not to use interactive python and just want to dump a commands file to edit in your favourite text editor:

>>> simcado.commands.dump_defaults("path/to/cmds_file.txt")

More information on the UserCommands object is given in the Examples Section

Behind the scenes of SimCADO

SimCADO uses 4 main classes during a simulation:

  • Source holds spatial and spectral information about the astronomical source of photons, e.g. galaxy, star cluster, etc.

  • OpticalTrain contains information on the various elements along the optical path, e.g. mirrors reflectivity curves, PSFs, instrumental distortion, etc.

  • Detector represents the focal plane detector array and contains information on the electronic characteristics of the detector chips and their physical positions.

  • UserCommands is a dictionary of all the important keywords needed by SimCADO to run the simultationm, e.g. OBS_DIT (exposure time) or INST_FILTER_TC (filter curve)

For more information on how SimCADO works please see the SimCADO in Depth section.

Things to watch out for

This space. It will soon expand!