
Here are a list of notebooks detailing how to use SimCADO. If you would like to add a notebook to this collection, please email it to Kieran Leschinski.

Cheat Sheet


If you don’t like sifting through documentation, try looking through the cheat sheet at some common commands and examples. If you find what you need, then you’ll know exactly what to look for in the simcado package


  • my_first_sim.ipynb

    An introductory notebook to SimCADO. Topics include: first steps with SimCADO, creating Source objects and customising simulations.

Science Cases

  • Betelgeuse.ipynb

    A quick look at whether it would be possible to observe Betelgeuse (J = -3 mag) with SimCADO without destroying the detectors. Short answer: yes.

  • StarDestroyer.ipynb

    If General Tarkin were to attack Earth and has hidding in orbit around the moon in his spaceship, could the E-ELT see it, and would we we know what it was?

PSF experiments

  • SimCADO_PSF_examples.ipynb

    A notebook showing the different PSFs available in SimCADO and doing a bit of analysis of their characteristics.

  • E-ELT_2-Phase_Mirror.ipynb

    As the primary mirror of the E-ELT was innitially thought to be built in 2 phases, this notebook uses SimCADO to have a look at what that means for the resulting E-ELT PSF.


the PSFs generated here are only approximations based on a diffraction limited core combined with a Seeing Halo. These are meant only as a guide.

Workshop notebooks

  1. Setting up SimCADO

    Some basics about running SimCADO

  1. Working with point sources

    The basics for making and combining point source objects

  1. Notes on simulation with sub-pixel resolution

    A couple of examples on how to get SimCADO to do sub-pixel scale simulations

  2. Working with extended sources

    Creating a galaxy field with a large galaxy (the Antennae) and adding a series of background galaxies Here are the FITS file used in the simulation