Controlling simulations

This page describes two ways of simulating: the quick and the repeatable. More about how SimCADO deals with commands can be found in the section on the UserCommands object.

Simulating the quick way

The function run() runs a simulation with all the default parameters. That said, SimCADO has a safety switch to stop you wasting 10 minutes on a Source that will be invisible, or so bright that it saturates the detector completely.

To get the full detector array, we set detector_array="full":

>>> im =, detector_array="full")


Note, by patient! Simulating 9x 4k detectors is heavy lifting. Remember to use the internals if you don’t plan on changing the optical train.

Notes on

There are two parameters still to be covered in detail. Please see the documention (or read the docstring by using They are:

  • filename= : instead of returning the FITS object to the console, save it to disk under this name

  • mode= : default is “wide” for 4mas imaging. Also accepts “zoom” for 1.5mas imaging mode.

Viewing a full detector read out

Each chip read-out is stored in a FITS extension. There are 3 options to view the images:

  1. Save the FITS object to disk and use DS9, etc:

    >>> im.writeto("full_detector.fits")
  2. Use the filename= in to save directly to disk, and bypass the console. This is useful for scripting with SimCADO.

    >>>, filename="full_detector.fits")
  3. Use the SimCADO function .plot_detector() from the .detector module:

    >>> im, (cmd, opt, fpa) =, filename="full_detector.fits",
    >>> simcado.detector.plot_detector(fpa)

The 3rd option is probably the least favourable as there are no options available, but it allows you to see what the readout will look like in a mosaic mode.

Using KEYWORD=VALUE pairs from the configuration file

SimCADO is controlled with a series of keyword-value pairs contained in a configuration file. The defaults are the best approximation to MICADO so changing them is not recommended if you want to simulate MICADO images. There are however some which are useful to play around with.


SimCADO is CAsE sEnsiTIve**. All KEYWORDS are writen with capital letters.

Similar to SExtractor, SimCADO provides a way to dump both commonly used and less-common keywords to a file with command sim.commands.dump_defaults():

>>> sim.commands.dump_defaults()
##            FREQUENTLY USED KEYWORDS                 ##

# To dump a file with all keywords, use:                #
# >>>  sim.commands.dump_defaults(filename, type="all") #

OBS_DIT                 60          # [sec] simulated exposure time
OBS_NDIT                1           # [#] number of exposures taken
INST_FILTER_TC          Ks          # [<filename>, string(filter name)] List acceptable filters with >>> simcado.optics.get_filter_set()

ATMO_USE_ATMO_BG        yes         # [yes/no]
SCOPE_USE_MIRROR_BG     yes         # [yes/no]
INST_USE_AO_MIRROR_BG   yes         # [yes/no]
FPA_USE_NOISE           yes         # [yes/no]

FPA_CHIP_LAYOUT         small       # [small/centre/full] description of the chip layout on the detector array.
SCOPE_PSF_FILE          scao        # ["scao" (default), <filename>, "ltao", "mcao", "poppy"] import a PSF from a file. Default is <pkg_dir>/data/PSF_SCAO.fits

SIM_DETECTOR_PIX_SCALE  0.004       # [arcsec] plate scale of the detector
SIM_VERBOSE             yes         # [yes/no] print information on the simulation run

OBS_ZENITH_DIST         60          # [deg] from zenith
INST_ADC_PERFORMANCE    100         # [%] how well the ADC does its job

To list all keyword-value pairs, use:

>>>  sim.commands.dump_defaults(filename, type="all")

Any of the KEYWORD=VALUE pairs can be passed as extras to`. For example if we wanted to observe in J-band for 60 minutes, we would pass:

src = sim.source.source_1E4_Msun_cluster()

The jupyter notebook my_first_sim.ipynb has more exmples of this.

The UserCommands object

Behind the scenes of the command, three objects are created:

  • a UserCommands object - for holding all the information on how a simulation should be run

  • an OpticalTrain object - which contains the models to describe each effect that needs to be simulated

  • a Detector object - commonly referred to as an fpa or Focal Plane Array. It describes the layout of the detectros and holds the observed images.

The UserCommands object is arguably the most important of these three, because the other two need the keyword-value pairs contained within the UserCommands object to correctly describe the optical train and detector for the simulation.

A UserCommands object is created by reading in the defaults conifg file (defaults.config) and then updating any of the keywords that the user (or function) provides. For example, we can see all the default keyword-value pairs by calling:

>>> cmd = sim.UserCommands()

The UserCommands object contains 7 ordered dictionaries, one for each topic and one general dictionary. Each can be referenced individually, however all are updated when a value changes.

  1. cmd.cmds - contains all keyword-value pairs

  2. cmd.atmo - keyword-value pairs for the atmosphere

  3. cmd.scope - keyword-value pairs for the telescope

  4. cmd.inst - keyword-value pairs for the instrument (plus AO system)

  5. cmd.fpa - keyword-value pairs for the dector array

  6. cmd.obs - keyword-value pairs for the observation

  7. cmd.sim - keyword-value pairs for the simulation

A UserCommands object can be used as a dictionary itself, although technically all that happens is that it references the general dictionary cmd.cmds. For example

>>> cmd["OBS_DIT"] = 60

is exactly the same as either of the following two expressions

>>> cmd.cmds["OBS_DIT"] = 60
>>> cmd.obs["OBS_DIT"] = 60

Therefore for the sake of ease, we recommoned treating the UserCommands object as a dictionary and just using the default syntax: cmd["..."] = xxx

Saving and loading a UserCommands object


In case you have made changes to the values in a UserCommands object that you would like to keep for next time, a UserCommands object can be saved to disk with the following command:

>>> cmd = sim.UserCommands()
>>> cmd.writeto(filename="my_cmds.txt")

SimCADO writes out the dictionary in ASCII format.


Creating a UserCommands object based on a text file is as simple as passing the file path:

>>> cmd = sim.UserCommands("my_cmds.txt")

Special attributes

A UserCommands object not only contains a dictionary of keyword-value pairs, but also a select number of parameters pertaining to the optical train for quick access. These include values for:

  • the exposure time for simulations: cmd.exptime

  • the primary mirror: cmd.area, cmd.diameter

  • the wavelength vector for purely spectral data (i.e. transmission curves): cmd.lam

  • the wavelength centres and edges for each spectral bin: cmd.lam_bin_centres, cmd.lam_bin_edges

  • the mirror configuration: cmd.mirrors_telescope, cmd.mirrors_ao

  • the detector plate scale and internal sampling resolutions: cmd.fpa_res, cmd.pix_res

Mirror and Detector configuration files

A quick note on the other files that SimCADO uses when creating an optical train and the appropriate keywords

The detector array

The detector array is described by a text file containing information on the plate scale and the positions of the detector chips:

>>> sim.commands.dump_chip_layout(path=None)
#  id    x_cen    y_cen   x_len   y_len
#        arcsec   arcsec   pixel  pixel
    4        0        0    4096    4096
    0  -17.084  -17.084    4096    4096
    1        0  -17.084    4096    4096
    2   17.084  -17.084    4096    4096
    3  -21.484        0    4096    4096
    5   17.084        0    4096    4096
    6  -17.084   17.084    4096    4096
    7        0   17.084    4096    4096
    8   17.084   17.084    4096    4096

This small file can be saved to disk by passing a filename to the path= parameters

>>> sim.commands.dump_chip_layout(path="my_fpa.txt")

Any detector array can be provided to SimCADO, as long as the text file follows this format. For example the HAWK-I detector array (4x HAWAII-2RG) would look like this:

#  id    x_cen    y_cen    x_len   y_len
#        arcsec   arcsec   pixel   pixel
    0      -116     -116    2048    2048
    1       116     -116    2048    2048
    2      -116      116    2048    2048
    3       116      116    2048    2048

To pass a detector array description to SimCADO, use the FPA_CHIP_LAYOUT keyword:

>>> cmd = sim.UserCommands()
>>> cmd["FPA_CHIP_LAYOUT"] = "hawki_chip_layout.txt"

or pass is directly to the` command:

>>> , FPA_CHIP_LAYOUT="hawki_chip_layout.txt", ...)

The mirror configurations

The mirror configuration can be dumped either to the screen or to disk by using:

>>> dump_mirror_config(path=None, what="scope")
#Mirror     Outer   Inner   Temp
M1          37.3    11.1    0.
M2          4.2     0.545   0.
M3          3.8     0.14    0.
M4          2.4     0.      0.
M5          2.4     0.      0.

If path=None the contents of the default file are printed to the screen. The parameter what is for the section of the optical train that should be shown - either scope for the telescope, or ao of the AO system. For most existing telescope, this parameter is irrelevant. For the MICADO/MAORY setup however another six optical surfaces are introduced into the system.

It is possible to specifiy different mirror configurations using a text file with the same format as above. For example the VLT unit telescope mirror config files would look like this:

#Mirror Outer   Inner   Temp
M1      8.2     1.0     0.
M2      1.116   0.05    0.
M3      1.0     0.      0.

To use this mirro config file in SimCADO use the keywords SCOPE_MIRROR_LIST and INST_MIRROR_AO_LIST

>>> cmd = sim.UserCommands()
>>> cmd["SCOPE_MIRROR_LIST"] = "vlt_mirrors.txt"
>>> cmd["INST_MIRROR_AO_LIST"] = "none"