
class simcado.spectral.EmissionCurve(filename=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: simcado.spectral.TransmissionCurve

Class for emission curves

Create an emission curve from a file or from wavelength and flux vectors. In the latter case, the keywords lam and val have to be specified.

- filename: string with the path to the transmission curve file where

the first column is wavelength in [um] and the second is the transmission coefficient between [0,1]

- lam: [um] 1D numpy array of length n
- val: 1D numpy array of length n
- res: [um] float with the desired spectral resolution
- pix_res: [arcsec] float of int for the field of view for each pixel
- area: [m2] float or int for the collecting area of M1
- units: string or astropy.unit for calculating the number of photons

per voxel

Return values are in [ph/s/voxel]


>>> from simcado.spectral import EmissionCurve
>>> ec_1 = EmissionCurve("emission_curve.dat")
>>> lam = np.arange(0.7, 1.5, 0.05)
>>> flux = 1. - 0.2 * wave**2   # power-law spectrum
>>> ec_2 = EmissionCurve(lam=lam, val=flux)

Methods Summary


Do the conversion to photons/s/voxel by using the val_unit, lam, area and exptime keywords.

photons_in_range(self[, lam_min, lam_max])

Sum up the photons in the wavelength range [lam_min, lam_max]

resample(self, bins[, action, use_edges, …])

Rebin an emission curve

Methods Documentation


Do the conversion to photons/s/voxel by using the val_unit, lam, area and exptime keywords. If not given, make some assumptions.

photons_in_range(self, lam_min=None, lam_max=None)[source]

Sum up the photons in the wavelength range [lam_min, lam_max]

- lam_min, lam_max: the wavelength limits
Return values are in [ph/s/pixel]
resample(self, bins, action='average', use_edges=False, min_step=None, use_default_lam=False)[source]

Rebin an emission curve