
class simcado.source.Source(filename=None, lam=None, spectra=None, x=None, y=None, ref=None, weight=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Create a source object from a file or from arrays

Source class generates the arrays needed for source. It takes various inputs and converts them to an array of positions and references to spectra. It also converts spectra to photons/s/voxel. The default units for input data is ph/s/m2/bin.

The internal variables are related like so:

f(x[i], y[i]) = spectra[ref[i]] * weight[i]

FITS file that contains either a previously saved Source object or a data cube with dimensions x, y, lambda. A Source object is identified by the header keyword SIMCADO with value SOURCE.


[um] Wavelength bins of length (m)


[ph/s/m2/bin] A (n, m) array with n spectra, each with m spectral bins

x, ynp.array

[arcsec] coordinates of where the emitting sources are relative to the centre of the field of view


the index for .spectra which connects a position (x, y) to a spectrum f(x[i], y[i]) = spectra[ref[i]] * weight[i]


A weighting to scale the relevant spectrum for each position

Attributes Summary


Return keys of the info dict

Methods Summary


Add an EmissionCurve for the background surface brightness of the object

apply_optical_train(self, opt_train, detector)

Apply all effects along the optical path to the source photons

dump(self, filename)

Save to filename as a pickle

image_in_range(self, psf, lam_min, lam_max, …)

Find the sources that fall in the chip area and generate an image for the wavelength range [lam_min, lam_max)


Load :class:’.Source’ object from filename

on_grid(self[, pix_res])

Return an image with the positions of all sources.

photons_in_range(self[, lam_min, lam_max])

Number of photons between lam_min and lam_max in units of [ph/s/m2]

project_onto_chip(self, image, chip)

Re-project the photons onto the same grid as the detectors use

read(self, filename)

Read in a previously saved Source FITS file

rotate(self, angle[, unit, use_orig_xy])

Rotates the x and y coordinates by angle [degrees]

scale_spectrum(self[, idx, mag, filter_name])

Scale a certain spectrum to a certain magnitude

scale_with_distance(self, distance_factor)

Scale the source for a new distance

shift(self[, dx, dy, use_orig_xy])

Shifts the coordinates of the source by (dx, dy) in [arcsec]

write(self, filename)

Write the current Source object out to a FITS file

Attributes Documentation


Return keys of the info dict

Methods Documentation


Add an EmissionCurve for the background surface brightness of the object

apply_optical_train(self, opt_train, detector, chips='all', sub_pixel=False, **kwargs)[source]

Apply all effects along the optical path to the source photons


the object containing all information on what is to happen to the photons as they travel from the source to the detector


the object representing the detector

chipsint, str, list, optional

The IDs of the chips to be readout. “all” is also acceptable

sub_pixelbool, optional

if sub-pixel accuracy is needed, each source is shifted individually. Default is False

Other Parameters

[0 .. 100] Percentage of the sky rotation that the derotator removes


[arcsec] The FWMH of the gaussian blur caused by jitter


[arcsec] How far from the centre of the field of view has the telescope drifted during a DIT


Output array is in units of [ph/s/pixel] where the pixel is internal oversampled pixels - not the pixel size of the detector chips

dump(self, filename)[source]

Save to filename as a pickle

image_in_range(self, psf, lam_min, lam_max, chip, **kwargs)[source]

Find the sources that fall in the chip area and generate an image for the wavelength range [lam_min, lam_max)

Output is in [ph/s/pixel]

psfpsf.PSF object

The PSF that the sources will be convolved with

lam_min, lam_maxfloat

[um] the wavelength range relevant for the psf

chipstr, detector.Chip
  • detector.Chip : the chip that will be seeing this image.

  • str : [“tiny”, “small”, “center”] -> [128, 1024, 4096] pixel chips


the image of the source convolved with the PSF for the given range

classmethod load(filename)[source]

Load :class:’.Source’ object from filename

on_grid(self, pix_res=0.004)[source]

Return an image with the positions of all sources.

The pixel values correspond to the number of emitting objects in that pixel


[arcsec] The grid spacing

im2D array

A numpy array containing an image of where the sources are

photons_in_range(self, lam_min=None, lam_max=None)[source]

Number of photons between lam_min and lam_max in units of [ph/s/m2]

Calculate how many photons for each source exist in the wavelength range defined by lam_min and lam_max.

lam_min, lam_maxfloat, optional

[um] integrate photons between these two limits. If both are None, limits are set at lam[0], lam[-1] for the source’s wavelength range


[ph/s/m2] The number of photons in the wavelength range

project_onto_chip(self, image, chip)[source]

Re-project the photons onto the same grid as the detectors use


the image to be re-projected


the chip object where the image will land

read(self, filename)[source]

Read in a previously saved Source FITS file


Path to the file

rotate(self, angle, unit='degree', use_orig_xy=False)[source]

Rotates the x and y coordinates by angle [degrees]


Default is in degrees, this can set with unit

unitstr, astropy.Unit

Either a string with the unit name, or an astropy.unit.Unit object


If the rotation should be based on the original coordinates or the current coordinates (e.g. if rotation has already been applied)

scale_spectrum(self, idx=0, mag=20, filter_name='Ks')[source]

Scale a certain spectrum to a certain magnitude

See simcado.source.scale_spectrum() for examples


The index of the spectrum to be scaled: <Source>.spectra[idx] Default is <Source>.spectra[0]


[mag] new magnitude of spectrum

filter_namestr, TransmissionCurve

Any filter name from SimCADO or a TransmissionCurve object (see get_filter_set())

scale_with_distance(self, distance_factor)[source]

Scale the source for a new distance

Scales the positions and brightnesses of the Source object according to the ratio of the new and old distances

i.e. distance_factor = new_distance / current_distance


This does not yet take into account redshift


Implement redshift


The ratio of the new distance to the current distance i.e. distance_factor = new_distance / current_distance


 >>> from simcado.source import cluster
 >>> curr_dist = 50000  # pc, i.e. LMC
 >>> new_dist = 770000  # pc, i.e. M31
>>> src = cluster(distance=curr_dist)
 >>> src.scale_with_distance( new_dist/curr_dist )
shift(self, dx=0, dy=0, use_orig_xy=False)[source]

Shifts the coordinates of the source by (dx, dy) in [arcsec]

dx, dyfloat, array

[arcsec] The offsets for each coordinate in the arrays x, y. - If dx, dy are floats, the same offset is applied to all coordinates - If dx, dy are arrays, they must be the same length as x, y


If the shift should be based on the original coordinates or the current coordinates (e.g. if shift has already been applied)

write(self, filename)[source]

Write the current Source object out to a FITS file


where to save the FITS file


Just a place holder so that I know what’s going on with the input table * The first extension [0] contains an “image” of size 4 x N where N is the number of sources. The 4 columns are x, y, ref, weight. * The second extension [1] contains an “image” with the spectra of all sources. The image is M x len(spectrum), where M is the number of unique spectra in the source list. M = max(ref) - 1