Source code for simcado.utils

Helper functions for SimCADO
# Classes:
# Functions:
#  read_config(config_file)
#  update_config(config_file, config_dict)
#  unify(x, unit, length=1)
#  parallactic_angle(ha, de, lat=-24.589167)
#  parallactic_angle_2(ha, de, lat=-24.589167)
#  moffat(r, alpha, beta)
import os
import sys
import inspect

    import wget
except ImportError:
    print("Package wget is not available. simcado.get_extras() will not work.")

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from import fits
from import ascii as ioascii

__pkg_dir__ = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))

#__all__ = []
#__all__ = ["unify", "parallactic_angle", "poissonify",
#           "atmospheric_refraction", "nearest", "add_keyword"]

[docs]def msg(cmds, message, level=3): """ Prints a message based on the level of verbosity given in cmds Parameters ---------- cmds : UserCommands just for the SIM_VERBOSE and SIM_MESSAGE_LEVEL keywords message : str message to be printed level : int, optional all messages with level <= SIM_MESSAGE_LEVEL are printed. I.e. level=5 messages are not important, level=1 are very important """ if cmds["SIM_VERBOSE"] == "yes" and level <= cmds["SIM_MESSAGE_LEVEL"]: print(message)
[docs]def unify(x, unit, length=1): """ Convert all types of input to an astropy array/unit pair Parameters ---------- x : int, float, np.ndarray, astropy.Quantity The array to be turned into an astropy.Quantity unit : astropy.Quantity The units to attach to the array length : int, optional If ``x`` is a scalar, and the desired output is an array with ``length`` Returns ------- y : astropy.Quantity """ if isinstance(x, u.quantity.Quantity): if isinstance(x.value, np.ndarray): y = elif length == 1: y = else: y = ([x.value] * length * x.unit).to(unit) else: if hasattr(x, "__len__"): y = x * unit elif length == 1: y = x * unit else: y = [x] * length * unit return y
[docs]def parallactic_angle(ha, de, lat=-24.589167): r""" Compute the parallactic angle Parameters ---------- ha : float [hours] hour angle of target point de : float [deg] declination of target point lat : float [deg] latitude of observatory, defaults to Armazones Returns ------- parang : float The parallactic angle Notes ----- The parallactic angle is defined as the angle PTZ, where P is the .. math:: \tan\eta = \frac{\cos\phi\sin H}{\sin\phi \cos\delta - \cos\phi \sin\delta \cos H} It is negative (positive) if the target point is east (west) of the meridian. References ---------- R. Ball: "A Treatise on Spherical Astronomy", Cambridge 1908 """ # Convert angles to radians ha = ha / 12. * np.pi de = np.deg2rad(de) lat = np.deg2rad(lat) eta = np.arctan2(np.cos(lat) * np.sin(ha), np.sin(lat) * np.cos(de) - \ np.cos(lat) * np.sin(de) * np.cos(ha)) return np.rad2deg(eta)
[docs]def moffat(r, alpha, beta): """ !!Unfinished!! Return a Moffat function Parameters ---------- r alpha beta Returns ------- eta """ return (beta - 1)/(np.pi * alpha**2) * (1 + (r/alpha)**2)**(-beta)
[docs]def poissonify(arr): """ Add a realisation of the poisson process to the array 'arr'. Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray The input array which needs a Poisson distribution applied to items Returns ------- arr : np.ndarray The input array, but with every pixel altered according to a poisson distribution """ return np.random.poisson(arr).astype(np.float32)
[docs]def atmospheric_refraction(lam, z0=60, temp=0, rel_hum=60, pres=750, lat=-24.5, h=3064): """Compute atmospheric refraction The function computes the angular difference between the apparent position of a star seen from the ground and its true position. Parameters ---------- lam : float, np.ndarray [um] wavelength bin centres z0 : float, optional [deg] zenith distance. Default is 60 deg from zenith temp : float, optional [deg C] ground temperature. Default is 0 deg C rel_hum : float, optional [%] relative humidity. Default is 60% pres : float, optional [millibar] air pressure. Default is 750 mbar lat : float, optional [deg] latitude. Default set for Cerro Armazones: 24.5 deg South h : float, optional [m] height above sea level. Default is 3064 m Returns ------- ang : float, np.ndarray [arcsec] angle between real position and refracted position References ---------- See Stone 1996 and the review by S. Pedraz - """ # need T, P, RH for Ps, Pw Pa T = 273.15 + temp Ps = -10474. + 116.43 * T - 0.43284 * T**2 + 0.0005384 * T**3 Pw = Ps * rel_hum / 100. Pa = pres - Pw # need n0 for gamma sig = 1. / lam Da = (Pa / T) * (1. + Pa * (57.9E-8 - 0.0009325 / T + 0.25844 / T**2)) Dw = (Pw / T) * (1. + Pw * (1. + 3.7E-4 * Pw) * (-2.37321E-3 + 2.23366 / T - 710.792 / T**2 + 77514.1 / T**3)) na = Da * (2371.34 + 683939.7 / (130. - sig**2) + 4547.3 / (38.9 - sig**2)) nw = Dw * (6487.31 + 58.058 * sig**2 - 0.7115 * sig**4 + 0.08851 * sig**6) n0 = 1E-8 * (na + nw) + 1. # need gamma, kappa and beta for R g = n0 - 1. b = 0.001254 * (273.15 + temp) / 273.15 k = 1. + 0.005302 * np.sin(np.deg2rad(lat))**2 \ - 0.00000583 * np.sin(2. * np.deg2rad(lat))**2 - 0.000000315 * h R = k * g * (1 - b) * np.tan(np.deg2rad(z0)) \ - k * g * (b - g/2.) * np.tan(np.deg2rad(z0))**3 # the refraction is the side of a triangle, although the triangle # side makes an arc across the sky. # We want the angle that this triangle side is subtending # Using the small angle approximation (which is in radians), # we can get the angle of refraction ang = np.rad2deg(R * 3600) # return value is in arcsec return ang
[docs]def nearest(arr, val): """ Return the index of the value from 'arr' which is closest to 'val' Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray, list, tuple Array to be searched val : float, int Value to find in ``arr`` Returns ------- i : int index of array where the nearest value to ``val`` is """ if isinstance(val, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): arr = np.array(arr) return [nearest(arr, i) for i in val] return np.argmin(abs(arr - val))
[docs]def deriv_polynomial2d(poly): '''Derivatives (gradient) of a Polynomial2D model Parameters ---------- poly : astropy.modeling.models.Polynomial2D Output ------ gradient : tuple of Polynomial2d ''' import re from astropy.modeling.models import Polynomial2D degree = dpoly_dx = Polynomial2D(degree=degree - 1) dpoly_dy = Polynomial2D(degree=degree - 1) regexp = re.compile(r'c(\d+)_(\d+)') for pname in poly.param_names: # analyse the name match = regexp.match(pname) i = int( j = int( cij = getattr(poly, pname) pname_x = "c%d_%d" % (i-1, j) pname_y = "c%d_%d" % (i, j-1) setattr(dpoly_dx, pname_x, i * cij) setattr(dpoly_dy, pname_y, j * cij) return dpoly_dx, dpoly_dy
[docs]def add_keyword(filename, keyword, value, comment="", ext=0): """ Add a keyword, value pair to an extension header in a FITS file Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the FITS file to add the keyword to keyword : str value : str, float, int comment : str ext : int, optional The fits extension index where the keyword should be added. Default is 0 """ f =, mode="update") f[ext].header[keyword] = (value, comment) f.flush() f.close()
# ############ Check the server for data extras
[docs]def download_file(url, save_dir=os.path.join(__pkg_dir__, "data")): """ Download the extra data that aren't in the SimCADO package """ local_filename = os.path.join(save_dir, url.split('/')[-1]) try: temp_file =, out=wget.tempfile.mktemp(dir=save_dir, suffix='.tmp'), bar=wget.bar_adaptive) print("\n") if os.path.exists(local_filename): os.remove(local_filename) os.rename(temp_file, local_filename) except wget.ulib.HTTPError: print(url + " not found") return local_filename
[docs]def get_extras(): """ Downloads large files that SimCADO needs to simulate MICADO """ save_dir = os.path.join(__pkg_dir__, "data") fname = os.path.join(save_dir, "extras.dat") # check_replace = 0 ## unused (OC) if os.path.exists(fname): old_extras = # check_replace = 1 ## unused (OC) else: old_extras =""" filename version size group PSF_POPPY.fits 20151103a 48MB typical """) url = "" new_extras = + "extras.dat")) for name, vers, size, group in new_extras: check_download = 1 # does the file exist on the users disk? fname = os.path.join(__pkg_dir__, "data", name) if os.path.exists(fname): # is the new name in the old list of filenames if name in old_extras["filename"]: iname = np.where(old_extras["filename"] == name)[0][0] # print(iname, old_extras["version"][iname] == vers) # Are the versions the same? if vers == old_extras["version"][iname]: check_download = 0 if check_download: print("Downloading: " + name + " Version: " + vers + " Size: " + size) download_file(url + name) else: print(name + " is already the latest version: " + vers) print("Finished downloading data for SimCADO")
[docs]def add_SED_to_simcado(file_in, file_out=None, lam_units="um"): """ Adds the SED given in ``file_in`` to the SimCADO data directory Parameters ---------- file_in : str path to the SED file. Can be either FITS or ASCII format with 2 columns Column 1 is the wavelength, column 2 is the flux file_out : str, optional Default is None. The file path to save the ASCII file. If ``None``, the SED is saved to the SimCADO data directory i.e. to ``<utils.__pkg_dir__>/data/`` lam_units : str, astropy.Units Units for the wavelength column, either as a string or as astropy units Default is [um] """ file_name, file_ext = os.path.basename(file_in).split(".") if file_out is None: if "SED_" not in file_name: file_out = __pkg_dir__+"/data/SED_"+file_name+".dat" else: file_out = __pkg_dir__+"/data/"+file_name+".dat" if file_ext.lower() in "fits": data = fits.getdata(file_in) lam, val = data[data.columns[0].name], data[data.columns[1].name] else: lam, val =[:2] lam = (lam * u.Unit(lam_units)).to( mask = (lam > 0.3* * (lam < 5.0* np.savetxt(file_out, np.array((lam[mask], val[mask]), dtype=np.float32).T, header="wavelength value \n [um] [flux]")
[docs]def airmass_to_zenith_dist(airmass): """ returns zenith distance in degrees Z = arccos(1/X) """ return np.rad2deg(np.arccos(1. / airmass))
[docs]def zenith_dist_to_airmass(zenith_dist): """ ``zenith_dist`` is in degrees X = sec(Z) """ return 1. / np.cos(np.deg2rad(zenith_dist))
[docs]def seq(start, stop, step=1): '''Replacement for numpy.arange modelled after R's seq function Returns an evenly spaced sequence from start to stop. stop is included if the difference between start and stop is an integer multiple of step. From the documentation of numpy.range: "When using a non-integer step, such as 0.1, the results will often not be consistent." This replacement aims to avoid these inconsistencies. Parameters ---------- start, stop: [int, float] the starting and (maximal) end values of the sequence. step : [int, float] increment of the sequence, defaults to 1 ''' feps = 1e-10 # value used in R seq.default delta = stop - start if delta == 0 and stop == 0: return stop try: npts = delta / step except ZeroDivisionError: if step == 0 and delta == 0: return start else: raise ValueError("invalid '(stop - start) / step'") if npts < 0: raise ValueError("wrong sign in 'step' argument") if npts > sys.maxsize: raise ValueError("'step' argument is much too small") reldd = abs(delta) / max(abs(stop), abs(start)) if reldd < 100 * sys.float_info.epsilon: return start if isinstance(delta, int) and isinstance(step, int): # integer sequence npts = int(npts) return start + np.asarray(range(npts + 1)) * step else: npts = int(npts + feps) sequence = start + np.asarray(range(npts + 1)) * step # correct for possible overshot because of fuzz (from seq.R) if step > 0: return np.minimum(sequence, stop) else: return np.maximum(sequence, stop)
[docs]def add_mags(mags): """ Returns a combined magnitude for a group of objects with ``mags`` """ return -2.5*np.log10((10**(-0.4*np.array(mags))).sum())
[docs]def dist_mod_from_distance(d): """ mu = 5 * np.log10(d) - 5 """ mu = 5 * np.log10(d) - 5 return mu
[docs]def distance_from_dist_mod(mu): """ d = 10**(1 + mu / 5) """ d = 10**(1 + mu / 5) return d
[docs]def telescope_diffraction_limit(aperture_size, wavelength, distance=None): """ Returns the diffraction limit of a telescope Parameters ---------- aperture_size : float [m] The diameter of the primary mirror wavelength : float [um] The wavelength for diffarction distance : float, optional Default is None. If ``distance`` is given, the transverse distance for the diffraction limit is returned in the same units as ``distance`` Returns ------- diff_limit : float [arcsec] The angular diffraction limit. If distance is not None, diff_limit is in the same units as distance """ diff_limit = (((wavelength**u.m))*u.rad).to(u.arcsec).value if distance is not None: diff_limit *= distance / return diff_limit
[docs]def transverse_distance(angle, distance): """ Turn an angular distance into a proper transverse distance Parameters ---------- angle : float [arcsec] The on-sky angle distance : float The distance to the object. Units are arbitary Returns ------- trans_distance : float proper transverse distance. Has the same Units as ``distance`` """ trans_distance = angle * distance * return trans_distance
[docs]def angle_in_arcseconds(distance, width): """ Returns the angular distance of an object in arcseconds. Units must be consistent """ return np.arctan2(width, distance)*
[docs]def bug_report(): '''Get versions of dependencies for inclusion in bug report''' try: from importlib import import_module except ImportError: import_module = __import__ packages = ["simcado", "astropy", "synphot", "numpy", "scipy", "poppy", "wget"] # Check Python version print("Python:\n", sys.version) print("") # Check package dependencies for package_name in packages: try: pkg = import_module(package_name) print(package_name, ": ", pkg.__version__) except ImportError: print(package_name, "could not be loaded.") # Check operating system import platform osinfo = platform.uname() print("") print("Operating system: ", osinfo.system) print(" Release: ", osinfo.release) print(" Version: ", osinfo.version) print(" Machine: ", osinfo.machine)
[docs]def find_file(filename, path=None, silent=False): """ Find a file in search path Parameters ---------- filename : str name of a file to look for path : list list of directories to search (default: ['./']) silent : bool if True, remain silent when file is not found Returns ------- Absolute path of the file """ import simcado as sim if path is None: path = sim.__search_path__ if os.path.isabs(filename): # absolute path: only path to try trynames = [filename] else: # try to find the file in a search path trynames = [os.path.join(trydir, filename) for trydir in path] for fname in trynames: if os.path.exists(fname): # success # strip leading ./ while fname[:2] == './': fname = fname[2:] return fname else: continue # no file found if not silent: print("File cannot be found: " + filename) return None
[docs]def zendist2airmass(zendist): '''Convert zenith distance to airmass Parameters ---------- zenith distance : [deg] Zenith distance angle Returns ------- airmass in sec(z) approximation ''' return 1. / np.cos(np.deg2rad(zendist))
[docs]def airmass2zendist(airmass): '''Convert airmass to zenith distance Parameters ---------- airmass : float (>= 1) Returns ------- zenith distance in degrees ''' return np.rad2deg(np.arccos(1/airmass))
[docs]def is_fits(filename): """ Checks if file is a FITS file based on extension Parameters ---------- filename : str Returns ------- flag : bool """ flag = False if filename is not None: if filename.split(".")[-1].lower() in "fits": flag = True return flag
[docs]def quantify(item, unit): """ Ensure an item is a Quantity Parameters ---------- item : int, float, array, list, Quantity unit : str, Unit Returns ------- quant : Quantity """ if isinstance(item, u.Quantity): quant = else: quant = item * u.Unit(unit) return quant