Source code for simcado.psf

PSFs and PSFCubes

.. todo::
    revise this opening text


.. admonition:: Car Sagan said

    "If you want to bake an apple pie from scratch,
        first you must create the universe"

Single PSFs

We need to start by generating a single PSF in order to generate a PSFCube.
We need to know the spatial characteristics of the PSF:
The commonalities of all PSFs are:

- pix_width
- pix_height
- pix_res
- type

The types of PSF offered: Moffat, Gaussian2D, Airy, Delta, Line, User
For each of the PSF types we need to create a subclass of PSF. Each subclass
takes its own list of parameters:

- MoffatPSF      (alpha, beta)
- GaussianPSF    (fwhm, eccentricity=0, angle=0)
- AiryPSF        (first_zero, eccentricity=0, angle=0)
- DeltaPSF       (x=0, y=0)
- LinePSF        (x0, x1, y0, y1, angle=0)
- UserPSFCube        (filename, ext_no=0)

Multiple PSFs in a Cube

To generate a PSF cube we need to know the spectral bins and the type of PSF.
The bins are defined by a central wavelength, however a cube should also
contain the edges of each bin so that transmission and emission can be
re-binned properly.
- lam_bin_centers
- lam_bin_edges
- lam_res

A PSF instance will have these additional arguments:
- array ... a 2D array to hold the PSF image

A psf instance will have these additional arguments:
- cube ... a (l,x,y) 3D array to hold the PSF cube

As far as input goes, psf should be able to accept a dictionary with the
keywords necessary to build the cube.

All wavelength values are given in [um]
All pixel dimensions are given in [arcsec]
All angles are given in [deg]




There are two types of psf object here:
- a cube
- a single psf image

The cube is essentially a list of psf images, homogenized in size
Should we have separate classes for these?

Both PSF and psf can be created from a single model or through
convolution of a list of PSF components


import warnings
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage.interpolation as spi
from scipy.signal import fftconvolve

from import fits
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.convolution import Moffat2DKernel, Gaussian2DKernel
#from astropy.convolution import convolve_fft   # unused
from astropy.convolution import Kernel2D
from astropy.modeling.core import Fittable2DModel
from astropy.modeling.parameters import Parameter

# Field Varying PSFs
from .fv_psf import FieldVaryingPSF

from . import utils

# - Add a ellipticity to the GaussianPSF
# - Make sure MoffatPSF works

__all__ = ["PSF", "PSFCube",
           "MoffatPSF", "MoffatPSFCube",
           "AiryPSF", "AiryPSFCube",
           "GaussianPSF", "GaussianPSFCube",
           "DeltaPSF", "DeltaPSFCube",
           "CombinedPSF", "CombinedPSFCube",
           "UserPSF", "UserPSFCube",
           "poppy_eelt_psf", "poppy_ao_psf", "seeing_psf",
           "get_eelt_segments", "make_foreign_PSF_cube",

#                            PSF and PSF subclasses                           #

# (Sub)Class    Needed              Optional
# PSF           size, pix_res
# DeltaPSF                          pix_res=0.004, size=f(position), position=(0,0)
# AiryPSF       fwhm                pix_res=0.004, size=f(fwhm)
# GaussianPSF   fwhm                pix_res=0.004, size=f(fwhm)
# MoffatPSF     fwhm                pix_res=0.004, size=f(fwhm)
# CombinedPSFCube   psf_list            size=f(psf_list)
# UserPSFCube       filename,           pix_res=0.004, size=f(filename), fits_ext=0

[docs]class PSF(object): """Point spread function (single layer) base class Parameters ---------- size : int [pixel] the side length of the array pix_res : float [arcsec] the pixel scale of the array """ def __init__(self, size, pix_res): self.size = size self.shape = [size, size] self.pix_res = pix_res self.array = np.zeros((self.size, self.size)) = dict([])['description'] = "Point spread function (single layer)" def __str__(self): return['description']
[docs] def set_array(self, array, threshold=1e-15): """ Set the spatial flux distribution array for the PSF Renormalise the array make sure there aren't any negative values that will screw up the flux Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray the array representing the PSF threshold : float by default set to 1E-15. Below this, the array is set to 0 """ self.array = array.astype(np.float32) self.array[self.array <= 0] = threshold self.array = self.array / np.sum(self.array) self.size = self.array.shape[0] self.shape = self.array.shape
[docs] def resize(self, new_size): """ Resize the PSF. The target shape is (new_size, new_size). Parameters ---------- new_size : int the new square dimensions of the PSF array in pixels """ # make sure the new size is always an odd number if new_size % 2 == 0: new_size += 1 arr_tmp = np.zeros((new_size, new_size)) arr_tmp[new_size//2, new_size//2] = 1 self.set_array(fftconvolve(arr_tmp, self.array, mode="same"))
#self.set_array(convolve_fft(arr_tmp, self.array))
[docs] def resample(self, new_pix_res): """ Resample the PSF array onto a new grid Not perfect, but conserves flux Parameters ---------- new_pix_res : float [arcsec] the pixel resolution of the returned array Returns ------- psf_new : PSF Examples -------- >>> new_PSF = old_PSF.resample(new_pix_res) """ scale_factor = self.pix_res / np.float(new_pix_res) new_arr = spi.zoom(self.array, scale_factor, order=1) new_arr *= np.sum(self.array) / np.sum(new_arr) # catch any even-numbered arrays if new_arr.shape[0] % 2 == 0: tmp_arr = np.zeros((new_arr.shape[0]+1, new_arr.shape[1]+1)) tmp_arr[:new_arr.shape[0], :new_arr.shape[1]] = new_arr new_arr = spi.shift(tmp_arr, 0.5, order=5) ############################################################ # Not happy with the way the returned type is not the same # # as the original type. The new object is a plain PSF # ############################################################ psf_new = PSF(size=new_arr.shape[0], pix_res=new_pix_res) psf_new.set_array(new_arr) return psf_new
[docs] def convolve(self, kernel): """ Convolve the PSF with another kernel. The PSF keeps its shape Parameters ---------- kernel : np.array, PSF Either a numpy.ndarray or a PSF (sub)class Returns ------- psf_new : PSF """ psf_new = deepcopy(self) if issubclass(type(kernel), PSF): psf_new.set_array(fftconvolve(self.array, kernel.array, mode="same")) #psf_new.set_array(convolve_fft(self.array, kernel.array)) else: psf_new.set_array(fftconvolve(self.array, kernel, mode="same")) #psf_new.set_array(convolve_fft(self.array, kernel))["Type"] = "Combined" return psf_new
def __array__(self): return self.array def __mul__(self, x): psf_new = deepcopy(self) return psf_new.array * x def __add__(self, x): psf_new = deepcopy(self) return psf_new.array + x def __sub__(self, x): psf_new = deepcopy(self) return psf_new.array - x def __rmul__(self, x): return self.__mul__(x) def __radd__(self, x): return self.__add__(x) def __rsub__(self, x): psf_new = deepcopy(self) return x - psf_new.array def __imul__(self, x): return self.__mul__(x) def __iadd__(self, x): return self.__add__(x) def __isub__(self, x): return self.__sub__(x)
[docs]class DeltaPSF(PSF): """ Generate a PSF with a delta function at position (x,y) Parameters ---------- position : tuple [pixel] where (x,y) on the array is where the delta function goes default is (x,y) = (0,0) and is the centre of the array size : int [pixel] the side length of the array pix_res : float [arcsec] the pixel scale used in the array, default is 0.004 """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): if "position" in kwargs.keys(): self.position = kwargs["position"] else: self.position = (0, 0) if "size" in kwargs.keys(): size = round(kwargs["size"] / 2) * 2 + 5 else: size = int(np.max(np.abs(self.position))) * 2 + 5 if not np.max(self.position) < size: raise ValueError("positions are outside array borders:") if "pix_res" in kwargs.keys(): pix_res = kwargs["pix_res"] else: pix_res = 0.004 super(DeltaPSF, self).__init__(size, pix_res)["Type"] = "Delta"["description"] = "Delta PSF, centred at (%.1f, %.1f)" \ % self.position["x_shift"] = self.position[0]["y_shift"] = self.position[1] self.x = self.size // 2 + self.position[0] self.y = self.size // 2 + self.position[1] x2 = self.x - int(self.x) x1 = 1. - x2 y2 = self.y - int(self.y) y1 = 1. - y2 arr = np.zeros((self.size, self.size)) arr[int(self.y) : int(self.y) + 2, int(self.x) : int(self.x) + 2] = \ np.array([[x1 * y1, x2 * y1], [x1 * y2, x2 * y2]]) self.set_array(arr)
[docs]class AiryPSF(PSF): """ Generate a PSF for an Airy function with an equivalent FWHM Parameters ---------- fwhm : float [arcsec] the equivalent FWHM of the Airy disk core. size : int [pixel] the side length of the array pix_res : float [arcsec] the pixel scale used in the array, default is 0.004 obscuration : float [0..1] radius of inner obscuration as fraction of aperture radius mode : str ['oversample','linear_interp'] see Kernel2D (scipy.convolution.core) """ def __init__(self, fwhm, obscuration=0., size=255, pix_res=0.004, **kwargs): # Ensure that PSF size is at least 8 times fwhm size = int(np.max((round(8 * fwhm / pix_res) * 2 + 1, size))) # if size > 511: # size = 511 # print("FWHM [arcsec]:", fwhm, "- pixel res [arcsec]:", pix_res) # print("Array size:", size, "x", size, "- PSF FoV:", size * pix_res) # warnings.warn("PSF dimensions too large - cropped to 512x512") # Check for 'mode' keyword argument if "mode" in kwargs.keys(): mode = kwargs["mode"] else: if size > 100: mode = "linear_interp" else: mode = 'oversample' # Ensure that obscuration is between 0 and 1 if obscuration < 0 or obscuration > 1: print("Warning: Obscuration must be between 0 and 1. Using 0.") obscuration = 0. super(AiryPSF, self).__init__(size, pix_res)["Type"] = "Airy"['description'] \ = "Airy PSF, FWHM = %.1f mas, obscuration = %.2f" \ % (fwhm * 1E3, obscuration)["fwhm"] = fwhm * 1E3 # milliarcseconds["obscuration"] = obscuration["pixel scale"] = pix_res["mode"] = mode self.fwhm = fwhm self.pix_res = pix_res # These are first zero and FWHM of J1(x)/x. airy_zero = 3.8317059860286755 airy_fwhm = 2 * 1.616339948310703 # rescale radial array so that the PSF has the required FWHM # (for eps = 0) first_zero = fwhm / airy_fwhm * airy_zero / pix_res psf_arr = AiryDiskDiff2DKernel(first_zero, obscuration=obscuration, x_size=size, y_size=size, mode=mode).array self.set_array(psf_arr)
[docs]class GaussianPSF(PSF): """ Generate a PSF for an Gaussian function Parameters ---------- fwhm : float [arcsec] the equivalent FWHM of the Airy disk core. size : int [pixel] the side length of the array pix_res : float [arcsec] the pixel scale used in the array, default is 0.004 mode : str ['oversample','linear_interp'] see Kernel2D (scipy.convolution.core) """ def __init__(self, fwhm, **kwargs): self.fwhm = fwhm if "pix_res" in kwargs.keys(): pix_res = kwargs["pix_res"] else: pix_res = 0.004 if "size" in kwargs.keys(): size = round(kwargs["size"] / 2) * 2 + 1 else: size = 1 if "undersized" in kwargs.keys() and kwargs["undersized"]: pass else: size = int(np.max((round(5 * self.fwhm / pix_res) * 2 + 1, size))) # Check for 'mode' keyword argument if "mode" in kwargs.keys(): mode = kwargs["mode"] else: if size > 100: mode = "linear_interp" else: mode = 'oversample' super(GaussianPSF, self).__init__(size, pix_res)["Type"] = "Gaussian"['description'] = "Gaussian PSF, FWHM = %.1f mas" \ % (self.fwhm * 1E3)["fwhm"] = self.fwhm * 1E3 n = (self.fwhm / 2.35) / self.pix_res k = Gaussian2DKernel(n, x_size=self.size, y_size=self.size, mode=mode).array self.set_array(k)
[docs]class MoffatPSF(PSF): """ Generate a PSF for a Moffat function. Alpha is generated from the FWHM and Beta = 4.765 (from Trujillo et al. 2001) Parameters ---------- fwhm : float [arcsec] the equivalent FWHM of the Airy disk core. size : int [pixel] the side length of the array pix_res : float [arcsec] the pixel scale used in the array, default is 0.004 mode : str ['oversample','linear_interp'] see Kernel2D (scipy.convolution.core) """ def __init__(self, fwhm, **kwargs): self.fwhm = fwhm if "pix_res" in kwargs.keys(): pix_res = kwargs["pix_res"] else: pix_res = 0.004 if "size" in kwargs.keys(): size = round(kwargs["size"] / 2) * 2 + 1 else: size = 1 size = int(np.max((round(4 * self.fwhm / pix_res) * 2 + 1, size))) # Check for 'mode' keyword argument if "mode" in kwargs.keys(): mode = kwargs["mode"] else: if size > 100: mode = "linear_interp" else: mode = 'oversample' super(MoffatPSF, self).__init__(size, pix_res) beta = 4.765 ## Trujillo et al. 2001 alpha = self.fwhm/(2 * np.sqrt(2**(1/beta) - 1))["Type"] = "Moffat"['description'] = "Moffat PSF, FWHM = %.1f, alpha = %.1f"\ % (self.fwhm * 1E3, alpha)["fwhm"] = self.fwhm * 1E3 self.set_array(Moffat2DKernel(alpha, beta, x_size=self.size, y_size=self.size, mode=mode).array)
[docs]class CombinedPSF(PSF): """ Generate a PSF from a collection of several PSFs. Parameters ---------- psf_list : list A list of PSF objects size : int [pixel] the side length in pixels of the array """ def __init__(self, psf_list, **kwargs): """Generate a master psf through convolution of a list of psfs""" if not hasattr(psf_list, "__len__") or len(psf_list) < 2: raise ValueError("psf_list requires more than 1 PSF object") pix_res_list = [psf.pix_res for psf in psf_list] if not all(res == pix_res_list[0] for res in pix_res_list): raise ValueError("Not all PSFs have the same pixel resolution") pix_res = pix_res_list[0] if "size" in kwargs.keys(): size = int(kwargs["size"] // 2) * 2 + 1 else: size_list = [psf.size for psf in psf_list] size = int(np.max(size_list) // 2) * 2 + 1 # Compensate for the shift in centre due to a DeltaPSF shifts = np.asarray([(0, 0)] + [psf.position for psf in psf_list \ if["Type"] == "Delta"]) size += 2 * np.max(shifts) arr_tmp = np.zeros((size, size)) arr_tmp[size // 2, size // 2] = 1 for psf in psf_list: arr_tmp = fftconvolve(arr_tmp, psf.array, mode="same") #arr_tmp = convolve_fft(arr_tmp, psf.array) super(CombinedPSF, self).__init__(size, pix_res)["Type"] = "Combined"['description'] = "Combined PSF from " + str(len(psf_list)) \ + "PSF objects" self.set_array(arr_tmp)
[docs]class UserPSF(PSF): """ Import a PSF from a FITS file. Parameters ---------- filename : str path to the FITS file to be read in fits_ext : int, optional the FITS extension number (default 0) for the data pix_res : float, optional [arcsec] the pixel scale used in the array, default is 0.004 """ def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs): if "fits_ext" in kwargs.keys(): fits_ext = kwargs["fits_ext"] else: fits_ext = 0 self.filename = filename self.fits_ext = fits_ext header = fits.getheader(self.filename, ext=self.fits_ext) data = fits.getdata(self.filename, ext=self.fits_ext) size = header["NAXIS1"] if "pix_res" in kwargs.keys(): pix_res = kwargs["pix_res"] elif "CDELT1" in header.keys(): pix_res = header["CDELT1"] elif "CD1_1" in header.keys(): pix_res = header["CD1_1"] else: pix_res = 0.004 # If pix_res is # * >1E-1 it must be in mas # * ~1E-3, it must be in arcsec # * <1E-5 it must be in deg if pix_res > 1E-1: pix_res *= 1E-3 elif pix_res < 1E-5: pix_res *= 3600 super(UserPSF, self).__init__(size, pix_res)["Type"] = "User"['description'] = "PSF from FITS file: " + self.filename self.set_array(data) if "size" in kwargs.keys(): self.resize(kwargs["size"])
############################################################################### # psf and psf subclasses # ############################################################################### # (Sub)Class Needed Optional # PSF size, pix_res # DeltaPSF pix_res=0.004, size=f(position), position=(0,0) # AiryPSF fwhm pix_res=0.004, size=f(fwhm) # GaussianPSF fwhm pix_res=0.004, size=f(fwhm) # MoffatPSF fwhm pix_res=0.004, size=f(fwhm) # CombinedPSFCube psf_list size=f(psf_list) # UserPSFCube filename, pix_res=0.004, size=f(filename), fits_ext=0 # # Keywords: # - type: # - lam_bin_centers # Bound keywords: # - fwhm : needed for AiryPSF, GaussianPSF, MoffatPSF # - psf_list: needed for CombinedPSFCube # - filename: needed for UserPSFCube # Optional keywords # - size: # - pix_res: # - position: optional in DeltaPSF # - fits_ext: optional in UserPSFCube
[docs]class PSFCube(object): """ Class holding wavelength dependent point spread function. Parameters ---------- lam_bin_centers : array [um] the centre of each wavelength slice Notes ----- - len(self) return the number of layers in the psf - self[i] returns the PSF object for layer i. If the __array__ function is called, self[i] will return the array associated with the instance e.g plt.imshow(self[i]) will plot PSF.array from self.psf_slices[i] - Maths operators \*,\+,\- act equally on all PSF.arrays in self.psf_slices """ def __init__(self, lam_bin_centers): self.lam_bin_centers = lam_bin_centers self.psf_slices = [None] * len(lam_bin_centers) = dict([])['created'] = 'yes'['description'] = "Point spread function (multiple layer)"
[docs] def resize(self, new_size): """ Resize the list of PSFs. The target shape is (new_size, new_size). Parameters ---------- new_size : int [pixel] the new size of the PSF array in pixels """ for psf in self.psf_slices: psf.resize(new_size)
[docs] def resample(self, new_pix_res): """ Resample the the list of PSF array onto a new grid Not perfect, but conserves flux Parameters ---------- new_pix_res : float [arcsec] the pixel resolution of the returned array Returns ------- psf_new : PSF Examples -------- >>> new_PSF = old_PSF.resample(new_pix_res) """ # TODO: Check whether this makes sense self.psf_slices = [psf.resample(new_pix_res) for psf in self.psf_slices]
[docs] def export_to_fits(self, filename, clobber=True): """ Export the psf to a FITS file for later use Parameters ---------- filename : str """ # TODO: use header_info or drop it (OC) # KL: done ext_list = fits.HDUList() # for i in range(len(self)): # psf = self.psf_slices[i] for i, psf in enumerate(self.psf_slices): # if i == 0: # hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(psf.array) # else: # PrimaryHDUs are typically empty. Not necessary (OC) hdu = fits.ImageHDU(psf.array) hdu.header["CDELT1"] = (psf.pix_res, "[arcsec] - Pixel resolution") hdu.header["CDELT2"] = (psf.pix_res, "[arcsec] - Pixel resolution") hdu.header["WAVE0"] = (self.lam_bin_centers[i], "[micron] - Wavelength of slice") hdu.header["NSLICES"] = (len(self), "Number of wavelength slices") for k in hdu.header[k[:8].upper()] = (self[i].info[k], k) ext_list.append(hdu) ext_list.writeto(filename, clobber=clobber, checksum=True)
[docs] def convolve(self, kernel_list): """ Convolve a list of PSFs with a list of kernels Parameters ---------- kernel_list : list list of PSF objects of 2D arrays """ if len(self.psf_slices) != len(kernel_list): print("len(PSF_slices):", len(self.psf_slices), "len(kernel_list):", len(kernel_list)) raise ValueError("Number of kernels must equal number of PSFs") for i in np.arange(len(self.psf_slices)): tmp = self.psf_slices[i].convolve(kernel_list[i]) self.psf_slices[i].set_array(tmp.array)["Type"] = "Complex"
[docs] def nearest(self, lam): """ Returns the PSF closest to the desired wavelength, lam [um] Parameters ---------- lam : float [um] desired wavelength Returns ------- psf_slice : PSF """ i = utils.nearest(self.lam_bin_centers, lam) return self.psf_slices[i]
def __str__(self): return['description'] def __getitem__(self, i): if len(self.psf_slices) > 1: return self.psf_slices[i] else: return self.psf_slices[0] def __len__(self): return len(self.psf_slices) def __mul__(self, x): newpsf = deepcopy(self) if not hasattr(x, "__len__"): y = [x] * len(self.psf_slices) else: y = x if len(self.psf_slices) != len(y): print(len(self.psf_slices), len(y)) raise ValueError("len(arguments) must equal len(PSFs)") for i in np.arange(len(self.psf_slices)): newpsf[i].set_array(self.psf_slices[i] * y[i]) return newpsf def __add__(self, x): newpsf = deepcopy(self) if not hasattr(x, "__len__"): y = [x] * len(self.psf_slices) else: y = x if len(self.psf_slices) != len(y): print(len(self.psf_slices), len(y)) raise ValueError("len(arguments) must equal len(PSFs)") for i in np.arange(len(self.psf_slices)): newpsf[i].set_array(self.psf_slices[i] + y[i]) return newpsf def __sub__(self, x): newpsf = deepcopy(self) if not hasattr(x, "__len__"): y = [x] * len(self.psf_slices) else: y = x if len(self.psf_slices) != len(y): print(len(self.psf_slices), len(y)) raise ValueError("len(arguments) must equal len(PSFs)") for i in np.arange(len(self.psf_slices)): newpsf[i].set_array(self.psf_slices[i] - y[i]) return newpsf def __rmul__(self, x): self.__mul__(x) def __radd__(self, x): self.__add__(x) def __rsub__(self, x): self.__sub__(x)
[docs]class DeltaPSFCube(PSFCube): """ Generate a list of DeltaPSFs for wavelengths defined in lam_bin_centers Parameters ---------- lam_bin_centers : array [um] the centre of each wavelength slice positions : tuple, list (x,y) either a tuple, or a list of tuples denoting the position of the delta function pix_res : float [arcsec], pixel scale of the PSF. Default is 0.004 arcsec size : int [pixel] side length of the PSF array """ def __init__(self, lam_bin_centers, positions=(0, 0), **kwargs): super(DeltaPSFCube, self).__init__(lam_bin_centers) if not hasattr(positions[0], "__len__"): positions = [positions]*len(self) for i in range(len(self)): self.psf_slices[i] = DeltaPSF(position=positions[i], **kwargs)['description'] = "List of Delta function PSFs"["Type"] = "DeltaCube"
[docs]class AiryPSFCube(PSFCube): """ Generate a list of AiryPSFs for wavelengths defined in lam_bin_centers Parameters ---------- lam_bin_centers : array, list [um] a list with the centres of each wavelength slice fwhm : array, list [arcsec] the equivalent FWHM of the PSF. diameter : float [m] diamter of primary mirror. Default is 39.3m. mode : str ['oversample','linear_interp'] see Kernel2D (scipy.convolution.core) """ def __init__(self, lam_bin_centers, fwhm=None, **kwargs): super(AiryPSFCube, self).__init__(lam_bin_centers) if "diameter" in kwargs.keys(): self.diameter = kwargs["diameter"] else: self.diameter = 39.3 if "obscuration" in kwargs.keys(): self.obscuration = kwargs["obscuration"] else: self.obscuration = 11.1/39.3 if fwhm is None: # lam in um, diameter in m, 206265 is 1 rad in arcsec self.fwhm = [206265 * 1.22 * lam * 1E-6 / self.diameter \ for lam in lam_bin_centers] elif not hasattr(fwhm, "__len__"): self.fwhm = [fwhm] * len(self) else: self.fwhm = fwhm self.psf_slices = [AiryPSF(fwhm=f, **kwargs) for f in self.fwhm] self.size = [psf.size for psf in self.psf_slices]['description'] = "List of Airy function PSFs"["Type"] = "AiryCube"
[docs]class GaussianPSFCube(PSFCube): """ Generate a list of GaussianPSFs for wavelengths defined in lam_bin_centers Parameters ---------- lam_bin_centers : array, list [um] a list with the centres of each wavelength slice fwhm : array, list [arcsec] the equivalent FWHM of the PSF. diameter : float [m] diamter of primary mirror. Default is 39.3m. mode : str ['oversample','linear_interp'] see Kernel2D (scipy.convolution.core) """ def __init__(self, lam_bin_centers, fwhm=None, **kwargs): super(GaussianPSFCube, self).__init__(lam_bin_centers) if "diameter" in kwargs.keys(): self.diameter = kwargs["diameter"] else: self.diameter = 39.3 if fwhm is None: # lam in um, diameter in m, 206265 is 1 rad in arcsec self.fwhm = [206265 * 1.22 * lam * 1E-6 / self.diameter \ for lam in lam_bin_centers] elif not hasattr(fwhm, "__len__"): self.fwhm = [fwhm] * len(self) self.psf_slices = [GaussianPSF(fwhm=f, **kwargs) for f in self.fwhm] self.size = [psf.size for psf in self.psf_slices]['description'] = "List of Gaussian function PSFs"["Type"] = "GaussianCube"
[docs]class MoffatPSFCube(PSFCube): """ Generate a list of MoffatPSFs for wavelengths defined in lam_bin_centers Parameters ---------- lam_bin_centers : array, list [um] a list with the centres of each wavelength slice fwhm : array, list [arcsec] the equivalent FWHM of the PSF. diameter : float [m] diamter of primary mirror. Default is 39.3m. mode : str ['oversample','linear_interp'] see Kernel2D (scipy.convolution.core) """ def __init__(self, lam_bin_centers, fwhm=None, **kwargs): super(MoffatPSFCube, self).__init__(lam_bin_centers) if "diameter" in kwargs.keys(): self.diameter = kwargs["diameter"] else: self.diameter = 39.3 if fwhm is None: # lam in um, diameter in m, 206265 is 1 rad in arcsec rad2arcsec = 3600 * 180. / np.pi self.fwhm = rad2arcsec * 1.22 * lam_bin_centers * 1E-6 / self.diameter elif not hasattr(fwhm, "__len__"): self.fwhm = [fwhm] * len(self) self.psf_slices = [MoffatPSF(fwhm=f, **kwargs) for f in fwhm] self.size = [psf.size for psf in self.psf_slices]['description'] = "List of Moffat function PSFs"["Type"] = "MoffatCube"
[docs]class CombinedPSFCube(PSFCube): """ Generate a list of CombinedPSFCubes from the list of psfs in psf_list Parameters ---------- lam_bin_centers : array, list [um] a list with the centres of each wavelength slice fwhm : array, list [arcsec] the equivalent FWHM of the PSF. diameter : float [m] diamter of primary mirror. Default is 39.3m. """ def __init__(self, psf_list, **kwargs): if not (isinstance(psf_list, list) and len(psf_list) >= 2): raise ValueError("psf_list only takes a list of psf objects") # Check that the wavelengths are equal lam_list = [cube.lam_bin_centers for cube in psf_list] if not all([all(lam == lam_list[0]) for lam in lam_list]): raise ValueError("Wavelength arrays of psf cubes are not equal") lam_bin_centers = lam_list[0] super(CombinedPSFCube, self).__init__(lam_bin_centers)['description'] = "Master psf cube from list"["Type"] = "CombinedCube" for i, psfi in enumerate(psf_list):['PSF%02d' % (i+1)] =['description'] for i in range(len(self)): self.psf_slices[i] = CombinedPSFCube([psf[i] for psf in psf_list], **kwargs) self.size = [psf.size for psf in self.psf_slices]
[docs]class UserPSFCube(PSFCube): """ Read in a psf previously saved as a FITS file Keywords needed for a psf to be read in: NSLICES, WAVECENT, NAXIS1, CDELT1, PSF_TYPE, DESCRIPT Parameters ---------- filename : str the path to the FITS file holding the cube Notes ----- A separate function will exist to convert foreign PSF FITS files into ``simcado.psf`` readable FITS files See Also -------- :func:`.make_foreign_PSF_cube` """ def __init__(self, filename, lam_bin_centers): if not hasattr(lam_bin_centers, "__len__"): lam_bin_centers = [lam_bin_centers] psf_slices = [] # pull out the wavelengths in the PSF FITS files psf_lam_cen = [] if isinstance(filename, fits.HDUList): hdulist = filename else: hdulist = n_slices = len( for i in range(n_slices): if "WAVE0" in hdulist[i].header: psf_lam_cen += [hdulist[i].header["WAVE0"]] elif "WAVELENG" in hdulist[i].header: psf_lam_cen += [hdulist[i].header["WAVELENG"]] else: if i == 0 and n_slices > 1: # multiple PSFs in ImageHDU extensions psf_lam_cen += [0] elif i == 1 and n_slices > 2: # possible FV-PSF strehl map or table psf_lam_cen += [0] else: raise ValueError("""Could not determine wavelength of PSF in extension """ + str(i) + """. FITS file needs either WAVE0 or WAVELENG header keywords. \nUse simcado.utils.add_keyword() to add WAVELENG to the FITS header""") # If the wavelength is not in the 0.1-2.5 range, it must be in [m] if psf_lam_cen[i] < 0.1: psf_lam_cen[i] *= 1E6 # find the closest PSFs in the file to what is needed for the psf i_slices = utils.nearest(psf_lam_cen, lam_bin_centers) i_psf_lam_cen = [psf_lam_cen[i] for i in np.unique(i_slices)] # import only the relevant PSFs for i in np.unique(i_slices): hdr = hdulist[i].header self.header = hdr if 'CDELT1' in hdr.keys(): pix_res = hdr["CDELT1"] elif 'CD1_1' in hdr.keys(): pix_res = hdr['CD1_1'] elif 'PIXSCALE' in hdr.keys(): # PIXSCALE *must* be in arcsec !!! pix_res = hdr['PIXSCALE'] else: raise KeyError("Could not get pixel scale from " + filename) # Make sure that the pixel scale is in arcsec if 'CUNIT1' in hdr.keys(): pix_res = (pix_res * u.Unit(hdr['CUNIT1'])).to(u.arcsec).value # TODO: Is this dangerous? Prob'ly not needed if FITS file # is standard. if pix_res > 1: warnings.warn("CDELT > 1. Assuming the scale to be [mas]") pix_res *= 1E-3 psf = PSF(size=hdr["NAXIS1"], pix_res=pix_res) psf.set_array(hdulist[i].data) if "PSF_TYPE" in hdr.keys():["Type"] = hdr["PSF_TYPE"] else:["Type"] = "Unknown" if "DESCRIPT" in hdr.keys():["description"] = hdr["DESCRIPT"] else:["description"] = "Unknown" psf_slices += [psf] hdulist.close() lam_bin_centers = np.array(lam_bin_centers) super(UserPSFCube, self).__init__(i_psf_lam_cen) self.psf_slices = psf_slices self.size = [psf.size for psf in self.psf_slices] if isinstance(filename, str):['description'] = "User PSF cube input from " + filename else:['description'] = "User PSF cube input from memory"["Type"] = psf_slices[0].info["Type"]+"Cube"
class ADC_PSFCube(DeltaPSFCube): """ Generates a DeltaPSFCube with the shifts required to mimic the ADC Parameters lam_bin_centers : array, list [um] a list with the centres of each wavelength slice Other Parameters: pix_res : flaot [arcsec] the pixel scale used in the array, default is 0.004 OBS_PARALLACTIC_ANGLE : float [deg] the orientation of the input cube relative to the zenith INST_ADC_EFFICIENCY : float [%] efficiency of the ADC SCOPE_LATITUDE : float [deg] latitude of the telescope site in decimal degrees SCOPE_ALTITUDE : float [m] height above sea level of the telescope site ATMO_REL_HUMIDITY : float [%] relative humidity in percent ATMO_AIRMASS : float airmass of the object ATMO_TEMPERATURE : float [deg C] air temperature of the observing site in Celsius ATMO_PRESSURE : float [mbar] air pressure of the observing site in millibar The default values for the above mentioned keywords are: 0.004 arcsec, 0 deg, 100%, -24.5 deg, 3064m, 60%, 60 deg, 0 C, 750mbar """ def __init__(self, lam_bin_centers, **kwargs): params = {"pix_res" :0.004, "PARALLACTIC_ANGLE" :0, "INST_ADC_EFFICIENCY":100, "SCOPE_LATITUDE" :-24.5, "SCOPE_ALTITUDE" :3064, "ATMO_REL_HUMIDITY" :60, "ATMO_AIRMASS" :2., "ATMO_TEMPERATURE" :0, "ATMO_PRESSURE" :750} params.update(**kwargs) pix_res = params["pix_res"] para_angle = params["OBS_PARALLACTIC_ANGLE"] effectiveness = params["INST_ADC_PERFORMANCE"] / 100. # get the angle shift for each slice zenith_distance = utils.airmass2zendist(params["ATMO_AIRMASS"]) angle_shift = [utils.atmospheric_refraction(lam, zenith_distance, params["ATMO_TEMPERATURE"], params["ATMO_REL_HUMIDITY"], params["ATMO_PRESSURE"], params["SCOPE_LATITUDE"], params["SCOPE_ALTITUDE"]) for lam in lam_bin_centers] # convert angle shift into number of pixels # pixel shifts are defined with respect to last slice pixel_shift = (angle_shift - angle_shift[-1]) / pix_res if np.max(np.abs(pixel_shift)) > 1000: raise ValueError("Pixel shifts too great (>1000), check units") # Rotate by the paralytic angle x = -pixel_shift * np.sin(np.deg2rad(para_angle)) * (1. - effectiveness) y = -pixel_shift * np.cos(np.deg2rad(para_angle)) * (1. - effectiveness) positions = [(xi, yi) for xi, yi in zip(x, y)] super(ADC_PSFCube, self).__init__(lam_bin_centers, positions=positions, pix_res=pix_res)["Type"] = "ADC_psf"['description'] = "ADC PSF cube for ADC effectiveness:" + \ str(params["INST_ADC_EFFICIENCY"]) + \ ", z0:" + str(params["ATMO_AIRMASS"]) # The following two classes implement a kernel for the PSF of a centrally # obscured circular aperture. The classes are modelled after the kernels # in astropy.convolution.kernel and the models in astropy.modeling.models, # both from astropy version 1.1.1. class AiryDiskDiff2DKernel(Kernel2D): """ 2D kernel for PSF for annular aperture This kernel models the diffraction pattern of a circular aperture with a central circular obscuration. This kernel is normalized to a peak value of 1. Parameters ---------- radius : float The radius of the unobscured Airy disk kernel (radius of the first zero). Compute this from the outer aperture radius. obscuration : float Fraction of the aperture that is obscured (inner radius / outer radius) Default obscuration = 0. x_size : odd int, optional Size in x direction of the kernel array. Default = 8 * radius. y_size : odd int, optional Size in y direction of the kernel array. Default = 8 * radius. mode : str, optional One of the following discretization modes: * 'center' (default) Discretize model by taking the value at the center of the bin. * 'linear_interp' Discretize model by performing a bilinear interpolation between the values at the corners of the bin. * 'oversample' Discretize model by taking the average on an oversampled grid. * 'integrate' Discretize model by integrating the model over the bin. factor : number, optional Factor of oversampling. Default factor = 10. See Also -------- Gaussian2DKernel, Box2DKernel, Tophat2DKernel, MexicanHat2DKernel, Ring2DKernel, TrapezoidDisk2DKernel, AiryDisk2DKernel, Moffat2DKernel (in astropy.kernels) Examples -------- Kernel response: .. plot:: :include-source: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from simcado.psf import AiryDiskDiff2DKernel airydiskdiff_2D_kernel = AiryDiskDiff2DKernel(10) plt.imshow(airydiskdiff_2D_kernel, interpolation='none', origin='lower') plt.xlabel('x [pixels]') plt.ylabel('y [pixels]') plt.colorbar() """ _is_bool = False def __init__(self, radius, obscuration, **kwargs): from astropy.convolution.kernels import _round_up_to_odd_integer self._model = AiryDiskDiff2D(1, 0, 0, radius, obscuration) self._default_size = _round_up_to_odd_integer(8 * radius) super(AiryDiskDiff2DKernel, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.normalize() self._truncation = None class AiryDiskDiff2D(Fittable2DModel): """ Two dimensional Airy disk model with central obscuration. Parameters ---------- amplitude : float Amplitude of the function. x_0 : float x position of the maximum of the function y_0 : float y position of the maximum of the function radius : float The radius of the unobscured Airy disk (radius of the first zero). eps : float The ratio of the inner to the outer radius of an annular aperture. See Also -------- AiryDisk2D Notes ----- Model formula: .. math:: f(r) = A \\left[\\frac{2 J_1(\\frac{\\pi r}{R/R_z})}\\right]^2 Where :math: `J_1` is the first order Bessel function of the first kind, :math: `r` is the radial distance from the maximum of the function (:math: `r = \\sqrt{(x - x_0)^2 + (y - y_0)^2}`), :math:`R` is the input ``radius`` parameter, and :math:`R_z = 1.2196698912665045`. For an optical system, the radius of the first zero represents the limiting angular resolution and is approximately 1.22 * lambda / D, where lambda is the wavelength of the light and D is the diameter of the aperture. """ amplitude = Parameter(default=1) x_0 = Parameter(default=0) y_0 = Parameter(default=0) radius = Parameter(default=1) eps = Parameter(default=0) _j1 = None def __init__(self, amplitude=amplitude.default, x_0=x_0.default, y_0=y_0.default, radius=radius.default, eps=eps.default, **kwargs): if self._j1 is None: try: from scipy.special import j1, jn_zeros self.__class__._j1 = j1 self.__class__._rz = jn_zeros(1, 1)[0] / np.pi #add a ValueError here for python3 + scipy < 0.12 except ImportError: raise ImportError("AiryDiskDiff2D model requires scipy > 0.11.") super(AiryDiskDiff2D, self).__init__(amplitude=amplitude, x_0=x_0, y_0=y_0, radius=radius, eps=eps, **kwargs) # Comment and methods copied from astropy v1.1.1 # TODO: Why does this particular model have its own special __deepcopy__ # and __copy__? If it has anything to do with the use of the j_1 function # that should be reworked. def __deepcopy__(self, memo): new_model = self.__class__(self.amplitude.value, self.x_0.value, self.y_0.value, self.radius.value) return new_model def __copy__(self): new_model = self.__class__(self.amplitude.value, self.x_0.value, self.y_0.value, self.radius.value) return new_model @classmethod def evaluate(cls, x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, radius, eps): """Two dimensional Airy difference model function""" r = np.sqrt((x - x_0)**2 + (y - y_0)**2) / (radius / cls._rz) # Since r can be zero, we have to take care to treat that case # separately so as not to raise a numpy warning z = np.ones(r.shape) rt = np.pi * r[r > 0] z[r > 0] = (2.0 * cls._j1(rt) / rt - 2.0 * eps * cls._j1(eps * rt) / rt)**2 z *= amplitude return z ################################################################################ # Convenience functions
[docs]def make_foreign_PSF_cube(fnames, out_name=None, window=None, pix_res_orig=None, pix_res_final=None, wavelengths=None): """ Combine several PSF FITS images into a single PSF FITS file Parameters ---------- fnames : list List of path names to the FITS files out_name : str, optional If out_name is not ``None``, the resulting FITS file is saved under the name ``out_name`` window : int, list, tuple, optional If window is not ``None``, a windowed section of the PSFs are extracted window = (left, right, top, bottom) window = square radius Examples -------- :: >>> from glob import glob >>> import simcado as sim >>> fnames = glob("D:\Share_VW\Data_for_SimCADO\PSFs\yann_2016_11_10\*.fits") >>> sim.psf.make_foreign_PSF_cube(fnames, "PSF_SCAO.fits", window=512, pix_res_orig=[0.0028, 0.0037, 0.00492], pix_res_final=[0.004, 0.004, 0.004], wavelengths=[1.25,1.65,2.2]) """ if pix_res_orig is None: pix_res_orig = [None]*len(fnames) if pix_res_final is None: pix_res_final = [None]*len(fnames) if wavelengths is None: wavelengths = [None]*len(fnames) hdu_list = fits.HDUList() for fname, res_i, res_f, wave in zip(fnames, pix_res_orig, pix_res_final, wavelengths): dat = fits.getdata(fname) hdr = fits.getheader(fname) if res_i is not None and res_f is not None: if res_i != res_f: dat = spi.zoom(dat, res_i/res_f) if window is not None: if type(window) in (tuple, list): w = window dat = dat[w[0]:w[1],w[2]:w[3]] elif type(window) == int: dw = window xc, yc = dat.shape[0] // 2, dat.shape[1] // 2 dat = dat[xc-dw:xc+dw, yc-dw:yc+dw] else: print("Unknown type for window", type(window)) scale_factor = 1./np.sum(dat) dat *= scale_factor hdu = fits.ImageHDU(dat, hdr) if res_f is not None: hdu.header["CDELT1"] = (res_f, "[arcsec] pixel resolution") hdu.header["CDELT2"] = (res_f, "[arcsec] pixel resolution") if wave is not None: hdu.header["WAVE0"] = (wave, "[micron] - Wavelength of slice") hdu_list.append(hdu) if out_name is None: return hdu_list else: hdu_list.writeto(out_name, clobber=True)
[docs]def poppy_ao_psf(strehl, mode="wide", plan="A", size=1024, filename=None, **kwargs): """ Create a diffraction limited E-ELT PSF with a Seeing halo Uses POPPY to create a diffraction limited PSF for the E-ELT for a certain configuration of mirror segments. The diffraction limited core is added to seeing halo, modelled by either a moffat or gassian profile. Parameters ---------- strehl : float [0 .. 1] The components are summed and weighted according to the strehl ratio psf = (1-strehl)*seeing_psf + (strehl)*diff_limited_psf mode : str, optional ["wide", "zoom"] Default = "wide". Sets the pixel size for each of the MICADO imaging modes - {"wide" : 4mas, "zoom" : 1.5mas} plan : str, optional ["A", "B"], Default = "A" * Plan A is for a fully populated mirror (798 segments) * Plan B has the inner 5 rings missing (588 segments) and a further 5 random segments missing (583 segments) size : int, optional [pixels] Default = 1024 filename : str, optional Default = None. If filename is not None, the resulting FITS object will be saved to disk Other Parameters ---------------- fwhm : float [arcsec] Default : 0.8 psf_type : str Default : "moffat" wavelength : float [um] Default : 2.2 segments : list Default : None. A list of which hexagonal poppy segments to use See :func:`.get_eelt_segments` flattoflat : float [m] Default : 1.256 gap : float [m] Default : 0.004 secondary_radius : float [m] Default : 5 n_supports : int Default : 6 support_width : float [m] Default : 0.2 support_angle_offset : float [deg] Default : 0 n_missing : int Default : None. Number of segments missing pupil_inner_radius : float [m] Default : None # Plan A: 5.6m, Plan B: 11.5m pupil_outer_radius : float [m] Default : 19 Returns ------- hdu_list : astropy.HDUList an astropy FITS object containing the PSFs for the given wavelengths See Also -------- :func:`.get_eelt_segments` """ try: import poppy except: warnings.warn("""Poppy is not installed. Functions beginning with "poppy_" will not work. See""") params = {"strehl" : strehl, "mode" : mode, "size" : size, "plan" : plan, "fwhm" : 0.8, "psf_type" : "moffat", "wavelength" : 2.2, "segments" : None, "flattoflat" : 1.256, "gap" : 0.004, "secondary_radius" : 5, "n_supports" : 6, "support_width" : 0.2, "support_angle_offset" : 0, "n_missing" : None, "use_pupil_mask" : True, "pupil_inner_radius" : None, "pupil_outer_radius" : 19 } params.update(kwargs) if "pix_res" not in params: params["pix_res"] = 0.0015 if mode.lower() == "zoom" else 0.004 #work out the multiple wavelength wavelength = params["wavelength"] if np.isscalar(wavelength): wavelength = np.array([wavelength]) # Make the PSF(s) for the E-ELT eelt = fits.HDUList() for wave in wavelength: print("Generating an E-ELT PSF at", wave, "[um]") params["wavelength"] = wave eelt.append(poppy_eelt_psf(**params)[0]) # Make a seeing limited PSF seeing = seeing_psf(fwhm = params["fwhm"], psf_type = params["psf_type"], size = size, pix_res = params["pix_res"]) # Combine the two PSF FITS objects hdu_list = fits.HDUList() for psf in eelt: poppy_ao = fits.ImageHDU() = (1. - strehl) * seeing[0].data + strehl * = poppy_ao.header["PIXELSCL"] = params["pix_res"] poppy_ao.header["PSF_TYPE"] = "POPPY" poppy_ao.header["CDELT1"] = params["pix_res"] poppy_ao.header["CDELT2"] = params["pix_res"] poppy_ao.header["CUNIT1"] = "arcsec" poppy_ao.header["CUNIT2"] = "arcsec" for key in params: try: poppy_ao.header[key] = params[key] except: pass poppy_ao.header.extend( hdu_list.append(poppy_ao) if filename is None: return hdu_list else: print("Writing to", filename) hdu_list.writeto(filename, clobber=True)
[docs]def seeing_psf(fwhm=0.8, psf_type="moffat", size=1024, pix_res=0.004, filename=None): """ Return a seeing limited PSF Parameters ---------- fwhm : float, optional [arcsec] Default = 0.8 psf_type : str, optional ["moffat, "gaussian"] Default = "moffat" size : int, optional [pixel] Default = 1024 pix_res : float, optional [arcsec] Default = 0.004 filename : str, optional Default = None. If filename is not None, the resulting FITS object will be saved to disk Returns ------- seeing_psf : 2D-array Notes ----- # Moffat description # # # Approximate parameters - Bendinelli 1988 # beta = 4.765 - Trujillo et al. 2001 """ if fwhm > 5: warnings.warn("FWHM is rather large: [arcsec]"+str(fwhm)) fwhm_pix = fwhm/pix_res if "moff" in psf_type.lower(): beta = 4.785 alpha = fwhm_pix / (2 * np.sqrt(2**(1/beta)-1)) # astropy gamma = Trujillo alpha # astropy alpha = Trujillo beta seeing_psf = Moffat2DKernel(gamma=alpha, alpha=beta, x_size=size, y_size=size, factor=1).array elif "gauss" in psf_type.lower(): sigma = fwhm_pix/2.3548 seeing_psf = Gaussian2DKernel(stddev=sigma, x_size=size, y_size=size, factor=1).array hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(seeing_psf) hdu.header["PIXELSCL"] = pix_res hdu.header["PSF_TYPE"] = psf_type hdu.header["FWHM"] = fwhm hdu.header["CDELT1"] = pix_res hdu.header["CDELT2"] = pix_res hdu.header["CUNIT1"] = "arcsec" hdu.header["CUNIT2"] = "arcsec" hdu_list = fits.HDUList([hdu]) if filename is None: return hdu_list else: print("Writing to", filename) hdu_list.writeto(filename, clobber=True)
[docs]def poppy_eelt_psf(plan="A", wavelength=2.2, mode="wide", size=1024, segments=None, filename=None, use_pupil_mask=True, **kwargs): """ Generate a PSF for the E-ELT for plan A or B with POPPY Parameters ---------- plan : str, optional ["A", "B"], Default = "A" * Plan A is for a fully populated mirror (798 segments) * Plan B has the inner 5 rings missing (588 segments) and a further 5 random segments missing (583 segments) wavelength : float, list, array, optional [um] Default = 2.2um. The wavelength(s) for which a PSF should be made mode : str, optional ["wide", "zoom"] Default = "wide". Sets the pixel size for each of the MICADO imaging modes - {"wide" : 4mas, "zoom" : 1.5mas} size : int, optional [pixels] Default = 1024 segments : list, optional Default = None. A list of which segments to use for generating the E-ELT mirror. See ``get_eelt_segments()`` filename : str, optional Default = None. If filename is not None, the resulting FITS object will be saved to disk use_pupil_mask : str, optional Default = True. Other Parameters ---------------- Values to pass to the POPPY functions flattoflat : float [m] Default : 1.256 gap : float [m] Default : 0.004 secondary_radius : float [m] Default : 5 n_supports : int Default : 6 support_width : float [m] Default : 0.2 support_angle_offset : float [deg] Default : 0 n_missing : int Default : None. Number of segments missing pupil_inner_radius : float [m] Default : None # Plan A: 5.6m, Plan B: 11.5m pupil_outer_radius : float [m] Default : 19 Returns ------- ``astropy.HDUList`` : an astropy FITS object with the PSF in the data extensions See also -------- :func:`.get_eelt_segments` """ try: import poppy except: warnings.warn("""Poppy is not installed. Functions beginning with "poppy_" will not work. See""") params = {"flattoflat" : 1.256, "gap" : 0.004, "secondary_radius" : 5, "n_supports" : 6, "support_width" : 0.2, "support_angle_offset" : 0, "n_missing" : None, "oversample" : 2, "pupil_inner_radius" : None, "pupil_outer_radius" : 19} # Careful - when calling the detector, the rusulting PSF is 2x oversampled. # Hence we double the pixelscale at osys.add_detector params.update(**kwargs) params["pixelscale"] = 0.004 if mode.lower() == "wide" else 0.0015 if params["pupil_inner_radius"] is None: params["pupil_inner_radius"] = 11.5 if plan.lower() == "b" else 5.6 if segments is None: segments = get_eelt_segments(plan=plan, missing=params["n_missing"]) ap = poppy.MultiHexagonAperture(flattoflat = params["flattoflat"], gap = params["gap"], segmentlist= segments) sec = poppy.SecondaryObscuration(secondary_radius = params["secondary_radius"], n_supports = params["n_supports"], support_width = params["support_width"], support_angle_offset= params["support_angle_offset"]) opticslist = [ap, sec] if use_pupil_mask: cold_in = poppy.SecondaryObscuration(secondary_radius=params["pupil_inner_radius"], n_supports=0) cold_out = poppy.CircularAperture(radius=params["pupil_outer_radius"]) opticslist += [cold_in, cold_out] eelt = poppy.CompoundAnalyticOptic(opticslist=opticslist, name='E-ELT Plan '+plan) osys = poppy.OpticalSystem(oversample=params["oversample"], pupil_diameter=50) osys.add_pupil(eelt) osys.add_detector(pixelscale = params["pixelscale"], fov_arcsec = params["pixelscale"] * size) if np.any(wavelength) < 0.1: warnings.warn("One or more wavelengths is/are very short") print(wavelength) wavelength *= 1E-6 hdu_list = osys.calc_psf(wavelength) hdu_list[0].data = spi.zoom(hdu_list[0].data, 1./params["oversample"]) hdu_list[0].data /= np.sum(hdu_list[0].data) for hdu in hdu_list: = hdu.header["PIXELSCL"] = params["pixelscale"] hdu.header["PSF_TYPE"] = "POPPY" hdu.header["CDELT1"] = params["pixelscale"] hdu.header["CDELT2"] = params["pixelscale"] hdu.header["CUNIT1"] = "arcsec" hdu.header["CUNIT2"] = "arcsec" if filename is None: return hdu_list else: print("Writing to", filename) hdu_list.writeto(filename, clobber=True)
[docs]def get_eelt_segments(plan="A", missing=None, return_missing_segs=False, inner_diam=10.6, outer_diam=39.): """ Generate a list of segments for POPPY for the E-ELT Parameters ---------- plan : str, optional ["A", "B"], Default = "A" * Plan A is for a fully populated mirror (798 segments) * Plan B has the inner 5 rings missing (588 segments) and a further 5 random segments missing (583 segments) missing : int, list, optional Default = None. If an integer is passed, this many random segments are removed. If ``missing`` is a list, entries refer to specific segment IDs return_missing_segs : bool, optional Defualt is False. Returns the missing segment numbers inner_diam : float, optional [m] Default = 10.6. Diameter which produces ESO's mirror configuration outer_diam : float, optional [m] Default = 39.0. Diameter which produces ESO's mirror configuration Returns ------- segs : list A list of segment IDs for the mirror segments. missing : list, conditional Only returned if ``return_missing_segs == True``. A list of segment IDS for the segments which are missing. """ try: import poppy except: warnings.warn("""Poppy is not installed. Functions beginning with "poppy_" will not work. See""") if plan.lower() == "b": #inner_diam = 21.9 first_seg = 270 if missing is None: missing = 5 else: first_seg = 60 if missing is None: missing = 0 ap = poppy.MultiHexagonAperture(flattoflat=1.256, gap=0.004, segmentlist=np.arange(2000)) rad = [np.sqrt(np.sum(np.array(ap._hex_center(j))**2)) for j in ap.segmentlist] mask = (np.array(rad) < 0.5*outer_diam) * (ap.segmentlist > first_seg) segs = np.array(ap.segmentlist)[mask] if isinstance(missing, int): if missing > 0: i = np.random.randint(0, len(segs)-missing, size=missing) missing = segs[i] else: missing = [] for i in missing: if i in segs: x = np.where(segs == i)[0][0] segs = segs.tolist() segs.pop(x) segs = np.array(segs) if return_missing_segs: return segs, missing else: return segs