Source code for simcado.optics

# OpticalTrain
# The OpticalTrain holds all the information regarding the optical path as
# well as the individual objects
# TODO List
# =========
# - Make the Detector independent of the OpticalTrain
# - Implement saving and reloading of OpticalTrain objects

import os
import glob
import warnings
import logging
from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np

from import fits
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.table

from . import psf as psf
from . import spectral as sc
from . import spatial as pe
from .source import flat_spectrum_sb, scale_spectrum_sb
from .commands import UserCommands
from .utils import __pkg_dir__, find_file

__all__ = ["OpticalTrain", "get_filter_curve", "get_filter_set"]

[docs]class OpticalTrain(object): """ The OpticalTrain object reads in or generates the information necessary to model the optical path for all (3) sources of photons: the astronomical source, the atmosphere and the primary mirror. Parameters ---------- cmds : UserCommands, optional Holds the commands needed to generate a model of the optical train Optional Parameters ------------------- Any keyword-value pair contained in the default configuration file See Also -------- :class:`simcado.commands.UserCommands` :func:`simcado.commands.dump_defaults` General Attributes ------------------ - cmds : commands, optional a dictionary of commands for running the simulation Spatial attributes (for PSFs) ----------------------------- lam_bin_edges : 1D array [um] wavelengths of the edges of the bins used for each PSF layer lam_bin_centers [um] wavelengths of the centre of the bins used for each PSF layer pix_res : float [arcsec] infernal oversampled pixel resolution (NOT detector plate scale) psf : jitter_psf : adc_shifts [pixel] field_rot : [degrees] Spectral attributes (for EmissionCurves) ---------------------------------------- lam : 1D array [um] Vector of wavelength bins for spectrals lam_res : float [um] resolution between psf_size : int [pixels] The width of a PSF tc_ao : TransmissionCurve [0..1] tc_mirror : TransmissionCurve [0..1] tc_atmo : TransmissionCurve [0..1] tc_source : TransmissionCurve [0..1] ec_ao : EmissionCurve [ph/s/voxel] ec_mirror : EmissionCurve [ph/s/voxel] ec_atmo : EmissionCurve [ph/s/voxel] ph_ao : EmissionCurve [ph/s/voxel] ph_mirror : EmissionCurve [ph/s/voxel] ph_atmo : EmissionCurve [ph/s/voxel] n_ph_ao : float [ph/s] n_ph_mirror : float [ph/s] n_ph_atmo : float [ph/s] """ def __init__(self, cmds, **kwargs): = dict([]) if cmds is None: cmds = UserCommands() self.cmds = deepcopy(cmds) self.cmds.update(kwargs) self.tc_master = None # set in separate method self.psf_size = None # set in separate method fname = self.cmds["SIM_OPT_TRAIN_IN_PATH"] if fname is not None: if not os.path.exists(fname): raise ValueError(fname+" doesn't exist") else: self.lam_bin_edges = cmds.lam_bin_edges self.lam_bin_centers = cmds.lam_bin_centers self.pix_res = cmds.pix_res self.lam = cmds.lam self.lam_res = cmds.lam_res self._make() def _make(self, cmds=None): """ To make an optical system, cmds must contain all the keywords from the various .config files. 'cmds' should have been send to __init__, but any changes can be passed to make() Parameters ---------- - cmds : commands a dictionary of commands """ # Here we make the optical train. This includes # - the optical path for the source photons # - master transmission curve [can be exported] # - atmosphere, n x mirror, instrument window, internal mirrors # - dichroic, filter, detector QE # - list of wave-dep plane effects # - imperfect adc # - master psf cube # - AO psf - analytic or from file [can be exported] # - jitter psf [can be exported] # - list of wave-indep plane effects # - imperfect derotation # - distortion [weight map can be exported] # - flat fielding [can be exported] # - detector # - noise frame, if self.cmds.verbose: print("Generating an optical train") logging.debug("[OpticalTrain] Generating an optical train") if cmds is not None: self.cmds.update(cmds) self._load_all_tc() self._gen_all_tc() self.psf = self._gen_master_psf() # Get the ADC shifts, telescope shake and field rotation angle self.adc_shifts = self._gen_adc_shifts() self.jitter_psf = self._gen_telescope_shake() #self.field_rot = self._gen_field_rotation_angle()
[docs] def replace_psf(self, new_psf, lam_bin_centers): """ Change the PSF of the optical train """ pass
[docs] def update_filter(self, trans=None, lam=None, filter_name=None): """ Update the filter curve without recreating the full OpticalTrain object Parameters ---------- trans : TransmissionCurve, np.array, list, optional [0 .. 1] the transmission coefficients. Either a TransmissionCurve object can be passed (in which case omit ``lam``) or an array/list can be passed (in which case specify ``lam``) lam : np.array, list, optional [um] an array for the spectral bin centres, if ``trans`` is not a TransmissionCurve object filter_name : str, optional The name of a filter curve contained in the package_dir. User get_filter_set() to find which filter curves are installed. See also -------- :class:`simcado.spectral.TransmissionCurve`, :func:`simcado.optics.get_filter_set` """ if filter_name == lam == trans == None: raise ValueError("At least one parameter must be specified") if filter_name is not None: filt = get_filter_curve(filter_name) elif trans is not None: if isinstance(trans, (sc.TransmissionCurve, sc.EmissionCurve, sc.UnityCurve, sc.BlackbodyCurve)): filt = trans elif isinstance(trans, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)) and \ isinstance(lam, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)): filt = sc.TransmissionCurve(lam=lam, val=trans, lam_res=self.lam_res) self.cmds["INST_FILTER_TC"] = filt self._gen_all_tc()
[docs] def read(self, filename): pass
[docs] def save(self, filename): pass
[docs] def apply_tracking(self, arr): return pe.tracking(arr, self.cmds)
[docs] def apply_derotator(self, arr): return pe.derotator(arr, self.cmds)
[docs] def apply_wind_jitter(self, arr): return pe.wind_jitter(arr, self.cmds)
def _load_all_tc(self, tc_list=None): """ Pre-loads all the transmission curves """ # Safe default - lists should not be defaults in declaration if tc_list is None: tc_list = ["ATMO_TC", "SCOPE_M1_TC", "INST_MIRROR_AO_TC", "INST_ENTR_WINDOW_TC", "INST_DICHROIC_TC", "INST_MIRROR_TC", "INST_ADC_TC", "INST_PUPIL_TC", "INST_FILTER_TC", "FPA_QE"] for cur_tc in tc_list: if isinstance(self.cmds[cur_tc], str): airmass = self.cmds["ATMO_AIRMASS"] if cur_tc == "ATMO_TC" else None self.cmds[cur_tc] = sc.TransmissionCurve(filename=self.cmds[cur_tc], airmass=airmass) elif self.cmds[cur_tc] is None: self.cmds[cur_tc] = sc.UnityCurve() # see Rics email from 22.11.2016 wfe = self.cmds["INST_TOTAL_WFE"] lam = self.lam val = np.exp(-(2 * np.pi * (wfe*u.nm) / (lam***2) self.cmds.cmds["INST_SURFACE_FACTOR"] = sc.TransmissionCurve(lam=lam, val=val) def _gen_thermal_emission(self): '''Number of thermal photons emitted by the warm surfaces Returns ------- A tuple with the total number of photons in the wavelength range and the spectrum. ''' # List of warm mirrors mirr_list = self.cmds.mirrors_telescope # Load transmission curves into a dictionary indexed by coating tc_dict = dict() for coating in np.unique(mirr_list['Coating']): tc_file = find_file(coating, silent=True) if tc_file is None: raise ValueError("Could not find file: " + coating) tc_dict[coating] = sc.TransmissionCurve(tc_file) # Follow the thermal flux through all the warm elements total_flux = 0 if self.cmds.verbose: print("Total flux init: " + str(total_flux)) # The etendue is assumed to be conserved throughout the system. # We used to compute the solid angle at each mirror, given its area. mirror = mirr_list[0] etendue = (mirror['Outer']**2 - mirror['Inner']**2) * np.pi/4 \ * self.pix_res**2 # Assume that all (warm) mirrors are at the same temperature) # Mirror specific temperatures could be taken from the list with # temp = mirror['Temp'] within the loop # NOTE: Should this be equal to ATMO_TEMPERATURE? temp = self.cmds["SCOPE_TEMPERATURE"] for mirror in mirr_list: # mirror area projected perpendicular to beam area = (mirror['Outer']**2 - mirror['Inner']**2) * np.pi/4 \ * np.cos(np.deg2rad(mirror['Angle'])) angle = np.sqrt(etendue / area) reflectivity = tc_dict[mirror['Coating']].val emissivity = 1. - reflectivity mirror_flux = sc.BlackbodyCurve(lam=self.lam, temp=temp, pix_res=angle, area=area) * \ emissivity total_flux = mirror_flux + total_flux * reflectivity n_ph_thermal = total_flux.photons_in_range(self.lam_bin_edges[0], self.lam_bin_edges[-1]) if self.cmds.verbose: print("{0}: {1} Mean reflectivity {2:.3f}".format( mirror['Mirror'], mirror['Coating'], np.mean(reflectivity))) print("{0}: Emitted {1:.3f} Total {2:.3f}".format( mirror['Mirror'], mirror_flux.photons_in_range(self.lam_bin_edges[0], self.lam_bin_edges[-1]), total_flux.photons_in_range(self.lam_bin_edges[0], self.lam_bin_edges[-1]))) return n_ph_thermal, total_flux def _gen_all_tc(self): # ############# AO INSTRUMENT PHOTONS ######################### msg = "Generating AO module mirror emission photons" if self.cmds.verbose: print(msg) logging.debug("[gen_all_tc] "+msg) # get the total area of mirrors in the telescope # !!!!!! Bad practice, this is E-ELT specific hard-coding !!!!!! mirr_list = self.cmds.mirrors_ao ao_area = np.pi / 4 * np.sum(mirr_list["Outer"]**2 - \ mirr_list["Inner"]**2) # Make the transmission curve for the blackbody photons from the mirror self.tc_ao = self._gen_master_tc(preset="ao") self.ec_ao = sc.BlackbodyCurve(lam=self.tc_ao.lam, temp=self.cmds["INST_AO_TEMPERATURE"], pix_res=self.cmds.pix_res, area=ao_area) # Really dodgy hack to emulate emissivity - half way between Al and AgAl self.ec_ao *= 0.1 if self.cmds["INST_USE_AO_MIRROR_BG"].lower() == "yes" and \ self.cmds["SCOPE_PSF_FILE"].lower() != "scao": self.ph_ao = self.ec_ao * self.tc_ao self.n_ph_ao = self.ph_ao.photons_in_range(self.lam_bin_edges[0], self.lam_bin_edges[-1]) else: self.ec_ao = None self.ph_ao = None self.n_ph_ao = 0. ############## TELESCOPE PHOTONS ######################### if self.cmds.verbose: print("Generating telescope mirror emission photons") logging.debug("[_gen_all_tc] Generating telescope mirror emission photons") # get the total area of mirrors in the telescope # !!!!!! Bad practice, this is E-ELT specific hard-coding !!!!!! mirr_list = self.cmds.mirrors_telescope scope_area = np.pi / 4 * np.sum(mirr_list["Outer"]**2 - \ mirr_list["Inner"]**2) # Make the transmission curve for the blackbody photons from the mirror self.tc_mirror = self._gen_master_tc(preset="mirror") if self.cmds["SCOPE_USE_MIRROR_BG"].lower() == "yes": # KL - _gen_thermal_emission() returns the sum of all thermal photons # not just the ones that pass through the system transmission curve # Add the 3rd line here to correct this self.n_ph_mirror, self.ec_mirror = self._gen_thermal_emission() self.ph_mirror = self.ec_mirror * self.tc_mirror self.n_ph_mirror = self.ph_mirror.photons_in_range( self.lam_bin_edges[0], self.lam_bin_edges[-1]) else: self.ec_mirror = None self.ph_mirror = None self.n_ph_mirror = 0. ############## ATMOSPHERIC PHOTONS ######################### if self.cmds.verbose: print("Generating atmospheric emission photons") logging.debug("[_gen_all_tc] Generating atmospheric emission photons") # Make the spectral curves for the atmospheric background photons self.tc_atmo = self._gen_master_tc(preset="atmosphere") if self.cmds["ATMO_USE_ATMO_BG"].lower() == "yes": if self.cmds["ATMO_EC"] is not None: # self.ec_atmo = sc.EmissionCurve(filename=self.cmds["ATMO_EC"], # pix_res=self.cmds.pix_res, # area=self.cmds.area, # airmass=self.cmds["ATMO_AIRMASS"]) # self.th_atmo = sc.BlackbodyCurve(lam =self.ec_atmo.lam, # temp =self.cmds["ATMO_TEMPERATURE"], # pix_res=self.cmds.pix_res, # area =scope_area) # self.ec_atmo += self.th_atmo # print("Just loaded EC") # print((self.tc_atmo * self.ec_atmo).photons_in_range() ################################################################ # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ################################################################ # SUPER DODGY HACK THAT NEEDS TO BY TRACKED DOWN AT SOME POINT!! # But it brings SImCADO inline with the HAWKI ETC and SkyCalc # It's only the Sky BG emission that is affected. # The mirror emission is fine ################################################################ # self.ec_atmo *= 2.5 ################################################################ self.ec_atmo = sc.get_sky_spectrum( fname=self.cmds["ATMO_EC"], airmass=self.cmds["ATMO_AIRMASS"], return_type="emission", area=self.cmds.area, pix_res=self.cmds.pix_res) lam = self.ec_atmo.lam val = self.ec_atmo.val sky_mag = self.cmds["ATMO_BG_MAGNITUDE"] if sky_mag is not None and isinstance(sky_mag, (float, int)): lam, val = scale_spectrum_sb( lam=lam, spec=val, filter_name=self.cmds["INST_FILTER_TC"], mag_per_arcsec=sky_mag, pix_res=self.cmds.pix_res, return_ec=False) self.ec_atmo = sc.EmissionCurve( lam=lam, val=val, pix_res=self.cmds.pix_res, area=self.cmds.area, units="ph/(s m2)", airmass=self.cmds["ATMO_AIRMASS"]) else: ################## TODO ###################### # Generalise this to accept any TransmissionCurve object self.ec_atmo = flat_spectrum_sb(self.cmds["ATMO_BG_MAGNITUDE"], self.cmds["INST_FILTER_TC"], self.cmds["SIM_DETECTOR_PIX_SCALE"], return_ec=True) self.ec_atmo *= self.cmds.area self.ph_atmo = self.tc_atmo * self.ec_atmo self.n_ph_atmo = self.ph_atmo.photons_in_range(self.lam_bin_edges[0], self.lam_bin_edges[-1]) else: self.ec_atmo = None self.ph_atmo = None self.n_ph_atmo = 0. self.n_ph_bg = self.n_ph_atmo + self.n_ph_mirror + self.n_ph_ao ############## SOURCE PHOTONS ######################### if self.cmds.verbose: print("Generating optical path for source photons") logging.debug("[_gen_all_tc] GGenerating optical path for source photons") # Make the transmission curve and PSF for the source photons self.tc_source = self._gen_master_tc(preset="source") def _gen_master_tc(self, tc_keywords=None, preset=None): """ Combine a list of TransmissionCurves into one, either by specifying the list of command keywords (e.g. ATMO_TC) or by passing a preset keywords Optional Parameters =================== tc_keywords: a list of keywords from the .config files. E.g: tc_keywords = ['ATMO_TC', 'SCOPE_M1_TC', 'INST_FILTER_TC'] preset: a present string for the most common collections of keywords: - 'source' includes all the elements seen by source photons - 'atmosphere' includes surfaces seen by the atmospheric BG - 'mirror' includes surfaces seen by the M1 blackbody photons - 'ao' inludes surfaces seen by the AO module blackbody photons """ if tc_keywords is None: if preset is not None: base = ['INST_MIRROR_AO_TC'] * (int(self.cmds['INST_NUM_AO_MIRRORS']) - 1) + \ ['INST_ENTR_WINDOW_TC'] * int(self.cmds['INST_ENTR_NUM_SURFACES']) + \ ['INST_DICHROIC_TC'] * int(self.cmds['INST_DICHROIC_NUM_SURFACES']) + \ ['INST_MIRROR_TC'] * (int(self.cmds['INST_NUM_MIRRORS'])) + \ ['INST_ADC_TC'] * int(self.cmds['INST_ADC_NUM_SURFACES']) + \ ['INST_PUPIL_TC'] * int(self.cmds['INST_PUPIL_NUM_SURFACES']) + \ ['INST_FILTER_TC'] + \ ['INST_SURFACE_FACTOR'] + \ ['FPA_QE'] ao = (['INST_MIRROR_AO_TC'] + ['SCOPE_M1_TC'] * (int(self.cmds['SCOPE_NUM_MIRRORS']) - 1)) if preset == "ao": tc_keywords = base elif preset == "mirror": tc_keywords = base + ao elif preset == "atmosphere": tc_keywords = base + ao + ['SCOPE_M1_TC'] elif preset == "source": tc_keywords = base + ao + ['SCOPE_M1_TC', 'ATMO_TC'] else: raise ValueError("Unknown preset parameter " + preset) else: warnings.warn(""" No presets or keywords passed to gen_master_tc(). Setting self.tc_master = sc.UnityCurve()""", UserWarning) self.tc_master = sc.UnityCurve() return tc_dict = dict([]) for key in tc_keywords: if key not in self.cmds.keys(): raise ValueError(key + " is not in your list of commands") if self.cmds[key] is not None: if isinstance(self.cmds[key], (sc.TransmissionCurve, sc.EmissionCurve, sc.UnityCurve, sc.BlackbodyCurve)): tc_dict[key] = self.cmds[key] else: airmass = self.cmds["ATMO_AIRMASS"] \ if key == "ATMO_TC" else None tc_dict[key] = sc.TransmissionCurve(filename=self.cmds[key], lam_res=self.lam_res, airmass=airmass) else: tc_dict[key] = sc.UnityCurve() tc_master = sc.UnityCurve(lam=self.lam, lam_res=self.lam_res, min_step=self.cmds["SIM_SPEC_MIN_STEP"]) for key in tc_keywords: tc_master *= tc_dict[key] self.tc_keywords = tc_keywords self.tc_dict = tc_dict return tc_master def _gen_master_psf(self): """ Import or make a master PSF for the system. Notes ----- Jitter can be applied to detector array as a single PSF, and the ADC shift can be applied to each layer of the psf separately """ ############################################################ # !!!!!!!!! USER DEFINED CUBE NOT FULLY TESTED !!!!!!!!!!! # # !!!!!!! Analytic still using Airy (x) Gaussian !!!!!!!!! # # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Implement Moffat PSF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # ############################################################ self.psf_size = self.cmds["SIM_PSF_SIZE"] # Make a PSF for the main mirror. If there is one on file, read it in # otherwise generate an Airy+Gaussian (or Moffat, Oliver?) if self.cmds["SCOPE_PSF_FILE"] is None: warnings.warn(""" SCOPE_PSF_FILE == None. Generating Moffat profile from with FWHM = OBS_SEEING""") logging.debug("No PSF Given: making Seeing PSF") hdulist = fits.HDUList() for lam in self.cmds.lam_bin_centers: psf_mo = psf.seeing_psf(fwhm=self.cmds["OBS_SEEING"], size=self.cmds["SIM_PSF_SIZE"], pix_res=self.cmds["SIM_DETECTOR_PIX_SCALE"], psf_type="moffat", filename=None) psf_mo[0].header["WAVELENG"] = lam hdulist.append(psf_mo[0]) psf_m1 = psf.UserPSFCube(hdulist, self.lam_bin_centers) elif isinstance(self.cmds["SCOPE_PSF_FILE"], psf.PSFCube): psf_m1 = self.cmds["SCOPE_PSF_FILE"] #logging.debug("Using PSF: " + self.cmds["SCOPE_PSF_FILE"]) elif isinstance(self.cmds["SCOPE_PSF_FILE"], str): if self.cmds.verbose: print("Using PSF:", self.cmds["SCOPE_PSF_FILE"]) if os.path.exists(self.cmds["SCOPE_PSF_FILE"]): #logging.debug("Using PSF: " + self.cmds["SCOPE_PSF_FILE"]) hdr = fits.getheader(self.cmds["SCOPE_PSF_FILE"], 0) if "ETYPE" in hdr and hdr["ETYPE"] == "FVPSF": fname = self.cmds["SCOPE_PSF_FILE"] psf_m1 = psf.FieldVaryingPSF(filename=fname, **self.cmds.cmds) else: psf_m1 = psf.UserPSFCube(self.cmds["SCOPE_PSF_FILE"], self.lam_bin_centers) if psf_m1[0].pix_res != self.pix_res: psf_m1.resample(self.pix_res) else: warnings.warn(""" Couldn't resolve SCOPE_PSF_FILE. Returning an Delta function for SCOPE_PSF_FILE""") psf_m1 = psf.DeltaPSFCube(self.lam_bin_centers, pix_res=self.pix_res, size=9) logging.debug("Couldn't resolve given PSF: making Delta PSF") return psf_m1 def _gen_adc_shifts(self): """ Keywords: """ adc_shifts = pe.adc_shift(self.cmds) return adc_shifts def _gen_field_rotation_angle(self): return 0 def _gen_telescope_shake(self): """ Keywords: """ jitter_psf = psf.GaussianPSF(fwhm=self.cmds["SCOPE_JITTER_FWHM"], pix_res=self.cmds.pix_res) return jitter_psf
[docs]def get_filter_curve(filter_name): """ Return a Vis/NIR broadband filter TransmissionCurve object Parameters ---------- filter_name : str Notes ----- Acceptable filters can be found be calling get_filter_set() To access the values use TransmissionCurve.lam and TransmissionCurve.val Examples -------- >>> transmission_curve = get_filter_curve("TC_filter_Ks.dat") >>> wavelength = transmission_curve.lam >>> transmission = transmission_curve.val """ fname = find_file(filter_name, silent=True) if fname is None: fname = find_file("TC_filter_" + filter_name + ".dat") if fname is None: raise ValueError("filter not recognised: " + filter_name) return sc.TransmissionCurve(filename=fname)
[docs]def get_filter_set(path=None): """ Return a list of the filters installed in the package directory """ if path is None: path = os.path.join(__pkg_dir__, "data") lst = [i.replace(".dat", "").split("TC_filter_")[-1] \ for i in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "TC_filter*.dat"))] return lst
def plot_filter_set(path=None, filters="All", cmap="rainbow", filename=None, show=True): """ Plot a filter transmision curve or transmision curve for a list of filters Parameters ---------- path : str the location of the filters, set to None to use the default one, passed to get_filter_set filters : str or list a filter or a list of filters to be plotted, acceptable filters can be found calling get_filter_set() cmap : str any matplotlib colormap, defaulted to rainbow filename : str a filename to save the figure if necessary show : boolean if True, the plot is shown immediately in an interactive session Returns ------- a matplotlib object Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> plot_filter_set() >>> plot_filter_set(cmap="viridis") >>> plot_filter_set(filters="Ks") >>> plot_filter_set(filters=("U","PaBeta","Ks"),savefig="filters.png") """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rcParams, cycler from import get_cmap if np.size(filters) == 1: filter_names = [filters,] if np.size(filters) > 1: filter_names = filters if filters == "All": filter_names = get_filter_set(path) cmap = get_cmap(cmap) rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = \ cycler(color=cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, np.size(filter_names)))) peaks = np.zeros(np.size(filter_names)) i = 0 for filter_name in filter_names: tcurve = get_filter_curve(filter_name) wave = tcurve.lam[tcurve.val > 0.02] tran = tcurve.val[tcurve.val > 0.02] lam_peak = wave[tran == np.max(tran)] peaks[i] = lam_peak[0] i += 1 ordered_names = [x for _, x in sorted(zip(peaks, filter_names))] for filter_name in ordered_names: tcurve = get_filter_curve(filter_name) wave = tcurve.lam[tcurve.val > 0.02] tran = tcurve.val[tcurve.val > 0.02] lmin = np.min(wave) lmax = np.max(wave) lam_peak = wave[tran == np.max(tran)] if (lmax-lmin)/lam_peak[0] > 0.1: plt.plot(wave, tran, "--", label=filter_name) else: plt.plot(wave, tran, "-", label=filter_name) plt.xlabel(r"wavelength [$\mu$m]") plt.ylabel("transmission") lgd = plt.legend(loc=(1.03, 0)) if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight') if show: def get_filter_table(path=None, filters="all"): """ Return an astropy.table for a list of filters Parameters ---------- path : str the location of the filters, set to None to use the default one, passed to get_filter_set filters : str or list a filter or a list of filters to be plotted, acceptable filters can be found calling get_filter_set() Returns ------- an astropy.table Notes ----- It will ONLY return values for filters that follow SimCADO format Examples -------- Obtaining table for a set of filters:: >>> table = sim.optics.get_filter_table(filters=["J", "Ks", "PaBeta", "U", "Br-gamma"]) >>> filter_centers = table["center"].data >>> print(filter_centers) [1.24794438 2.14487698 2.16986118] Notice that only three values are printed as the U filter does not follow (yet) the SimCADO format """ #Obtaining format of the table filter_table = get_filter_curve("Ks").filter_table() filter_table.remove_row(0) if np.size(filters) == 1: filter_names = [filters,] if np.size(filters) > 1: filter_names = filters if filters == "all": filter_names = get_filter_set(path) for name in filter_names: try: tcurve = get_filter_curve(name) table = tcurve.filter_table() filter_table.add_row(table[0]) except ValueError: pass return filter_table